Interconnection Resources

Clean energy interconnection processes involve complex regulatory structures, specific jurisdictional authorities, and numerous stakeholders. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has funded many studies that examine existing best practices, develop standards, and aggregate data. 

The Interconnection Innovation e-Xchange (i2X) team compiled resources for those working in interconnection below.

  • The Interstate Renewable Energy Council Freeing the Grid Initiative offers comprehensive insights into interconnection policies across the country, including timelines, costs, and technical prerequisites.  

    The Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory’s Bulk-Power System Interconnection Queue Data and Analysis sheds light on the increasing volume of projects awaiting interconnection. It outlines the energy sources involved and highlights challenges related to approval timelines and expenses.  

  • Building a Technically Reliable Interconnection Evolution for Storage has introduced the Toolkit and Guidance for the Interconnection of Energy Storage and Solar-Plus-Storage, This resource takes a comprehensive approach by identifying and suggesting solutions to eight distinct barriers that currently hinder energy storage interconnection.  

  • In 2022, the Interstate Renewable Energy Council and the National Renewable Energy Lab introduced the Data Validation for Hosting Capacity Analyses. This guide is designed to establish reliable practices for generating validated results in Hosting Capacity Analyses that accurately mirror actual grid conditions. This resource serves as a foundation for confidently assessing how much extra capacity the electric distribution grid can accommodate for distributed energy resources.  

Talk to Our Team   

The i2X team has “office hours” where you can discuss any issues you have with interconnection. Schedule your call today. As this is a limited resource, please only reserve one time slot to allow the team to work with as many groups as possible. To engage with other stakeholders on key interconnection topics, join i2X Connect

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