Partners in academia, industry, and other national labs can leverage HydroGEN's capabilities and expertise in a variety of ways.
Access to HydroGEN capabilities is currently available through standard lab agreements, including cooperative research and development agreements and strategic partnership projects, as well as partnered support through Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office funding opportunity announcements.
Working with HydroGEN: What Our Partners Say
View short testimonials from HydroGEN project partners and capability experts.
Agreement Types
HydroGEN's Technology Transfer and Agreements team, comprising members from all participating laboratories, has developed a catalog of pre-approved, mutual agreements among the core national labs. These standardized agreements facilitate rapid intellectual property, non-disclosure, and contract agreements with partners and streamline access to the consortium's capabilities.
A standard non-disclosure agreement (NDA) has been signed by all of the member laboratories to allow partners to disclose confidential information to all core HydroGEN labs. A new NDA will be executed for each new EMN partner using the pre-negotiated template. Multiple new EMN partners have the option to sign a single NDA if they would like to work together. The provisions of the NDA have been designed to meet the needs of the HydroGEN consortium and are non-negotiable.
HydroGEN NDA Template(0 bytes)The standard intellectual property management plan (IPMP) establishes uniform, streamlined procedures for managing intellectual property among the HydroGEN members and partners to maximize the value of technology developments and minimize barriers to licensing and commercialization.
HydroGEN IPMP Template(0 bytes)Partners will likely need to exchange materials, such as catalyst and chemical samples, with the national labs in connection with their HydroGEN research. The standard materials transfer agreement (MTA) defines the rights of the material provider and recipient and allows materials to be transferred freely among the labs.
HydroGEN MTA Template(0 bytes)Under a cooperative research and development agreement (CRADA), the partner entity collaborates with the lab(s) in executing a scope of work. Participants can collaborate with a single lab or multiple labs. The provisions of the CRADA have been designed to meet the needs of the HydroGEN consortium and are non-negotiable.
Contact us to find out more about collaboration opportunities and access the capability nodes within the HydroGEN network.