Reservoir Thermal Energy Storage

Reservoir Thermal Energy Storage Demonstration graphic

Reservoir thermal energy storage (RTES) takes advantage of large subsurface storage capacities, geothermal gradients, and thermal insulation associated with deep geologic formations to store thermal energy that can be extracted later for beneficial uses. Such uses include providing industrial heat for processes like paper and pulp drying, food processing, and pasteurization.

RTES technology has the advantage of being able to store thermal energy directly in underground reservoirs for 100 or more hours without conversion to electricity. This technical advantage provides a unique solution to reducing emissions from energy-intensive processes that use industrial heating. 

GTO is funding a project by Project Development Solutions to demonstrate RTES for an industrial project in California. This work will help move RTES technology closer to commercial use for decarbonizing industrial heating processes. In addition to expanding opportunities for RTES, this project directly supports the U.S. Department of Energy’s Industrial Heat Shot™ , which aims to develop cost-competitive industrial heat decarbonization technologies with at least 85% lower greenhouse gas emissions by 2035.

Additional Information

RTES is part of GTO’s Low Temperature and Coproduced Resources program. Learn more about other GTO initiatives.