GeoVision Task Force Reports

The GeoVision study included rigorous analysis in seven topic areas led by staff from the national labs. Each task force produced a report, listed below, which are also found on the OpenEI website.

GeoVision Task Forces and Reports

Exploration (2018)

Lab Lead – Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

This report provides a central repository for the research conducted by the Exploration Task Force. The team conducted extensive scientific and financial analyses on several topics related to current and future geothermal exploration methods.

Electric Sector Potential to Penetration (2019)

Lab Lead – National Renewable Energy Laboratory

This report forecasts future growth and deployment potential of hydrothermal and EGS geothermal technologies in the electric sector that could be achieved by meeting the targets for technological improvement and by easing market and structural barriers described in the GeoVision.

Thermal Applications - Quantifying Technical, Economic, and Market Potential of Geothermal District Heating Systems in the United States (2019)

Lab Lead – Oak Ridge National Laboratory

This technical report provides the results of the research activities conducted by the GeoVision Geothermal Direct Use Thermal Task Force and the Distributed Geothermal Market Demand Model (dGeo) teams, covering dGeo input parameters, simulation approach, and output results.

Thermal Applications - Geothermal Heat Pumps (2019)

Lab Lead – Oak Ridge National Laboratory

This report presents an assessment of the technical potential of applying geothermal heat pump systems in businesses and homes in the United States. The assessed technical potential includes energy savings, carbon emissions reductions, and consumer energy cost savings.

Reservoir Maintenance and Development (2017)

Lab Lead – Sandia National Laboratories

This report documents the key findings from the Reservoir Maintenance and Development Task Force, which looked at activities associated with developing, exploiting, and maintaining a known geothermal resource.

Geothermal Hybrid Systems (2018)

Lab Lead – Idaho National Laboratory

This report documents findings from the Hybrid Systems Task Force, which investigated geothermal hybrid systems that have potential to increase the utilization of geothermal resources and/or decrease the costs of geothermal power generation.

Barriers - An Analysis of Non-Technical Barriers to Geothermal Deployment and Potential Improvement Scenarios (2019)

Lab Lead – National Renewable Energy Laboratory

This report provides analysis non-technical barriers that create delays, increase risk, or increase the cost of project development. These non-technical barriers include land access, permitting, access to transmission, and market conditions that may create challenges in developing a power purchase agreement.

Impacts - The Employment Opportunities, Water Impacts, Emission Reductions, and Air Quality Improvements of Achieving High Penetrations of Geothermal Power in the United States (2019)

Lab Lead – Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

This Impacts Task Force Report focuses on the potential external benefits of future growth in the geothermal electric power and geothermal heating and cooling sectors that would be facilitated by meeting the targets for technological improvement and easing market and structural barriers.