A new DOE report, published by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, highlights findings from a review of five policy mechanisms that have been...
Geothermal Technologies Office
July 9, 2014A new DOE report, Geothermal Exploration Policy Mechanisms, was recently released by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory | photo courtesy of Geothermal Resources Council.
A new DOE report, published by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, highlights findings from a review of five policy mechanisms that have been successfully applied to hydrothermal exploration activities around the globe – loan guarantees, drilling failure insurance, lending support, grants, and government-led exploration—and their applicability to the U.S. geothermal market. A significant barrier in geothermal project development is the high investment risk during the resource exploration phase of development projects. To view the full report, click here. For more information about non-technical Energy Department resources available to support geothermal energy development, visit our website page on Systems Analysis.