Responses to Frequently Asked Questions and Common Concerns About Clean Hydrogen

A wide range of stakeholders have raised important questions about hydrogen's opportunities and limitations as a decarbonization solution, along with questions and concerns about the benefits and impacts of clean hydrogen and related technologies for various communities. The U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office (HFTO) is hosting this webpage on behalf of the Hydrogen Interagency Task Force to provide a resource to help answer these questions and support the important discussions to take place as hydrogen technologies are deployed. 

DOE has identified a number of these questions and concerns through extensive engagement efforts—including requests for information, webinars, and public listening sessions held by multiple DOE offices (including HFTO, the Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management, the Office of Nuclear Energy, the Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations, and others). These have been compiled and condensed into a simple, clear format accessible to many audiences. The questions shown below are an initial selection identified as having the highest priority for key stakeholder groups. 

The materials provided here were developed as a collaborative effort among clean hydrogen experts at HFTO and other DOE Hydrogen Program offices, followed by further review and refinement by agencies in the Hydrogen Interagency Task Force (HIT). As such, they reflect the expertise and perspectives of multiple agencies across the federal government.

More questions and responses will be added to this list as answers are refined and thoroughly vetted. Initial responses may be posted here as drafts before being reviewed and refined by the HIT.

For any comments or questions related to these questions and answers please reach out at [email protected].

Refer to HFTO's information resources to access additional energy basics, publications, and multimedia resources.