Mission Innovation Hydrogen Fuel Cell Off-Road Equipment and Vehicles Virtual Workshop

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office (HFTO), in collaboration with Chile’s Ministry of Energy, the European Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH-JU), and the Australian Renewable Energy Agency, co-hosted the Mission Innovation Hydrogen Fuel Cell Off-Road Equipment and Vehicles Virtual Workshop on September 22–24, 2021. 

The workshop convened more than 115 experts from government, academia, and industry to share information on the status of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies in heavy-duty off-road equipment and vehicle applications in agriculture, construction, and mining, and identify barriers to technology commercialization.

The workshop consisted of 31 invited talks organized in 6 sessions focused on government perspectives, agricultural equipment, construction equipment, mining equipment, fuel cell developers, and onsite hydrogen production and refueling. In addition, this workshop featured breakout discussion sessions focused on equipment development and hydrogen production and refueling for each equipment sector (agriculture, construction, and mining).


Session II - Agriculture Equipment

Session III - Construction Equipment

Session IV - Mining and Loader Equipment

Session V - Fuel Cell Developers

Session VI - Hydrogen Onsite Production and Refueling