Interested in Becoming a Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Project Reviewer?

Become a reviewer! Help select hydrogen and fuel cell R&D investments

The U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office (HFTO) relies on a diverse pool of subject matter experts to review applications for federal funding programs.

HFTO strives to grow our reviewer database of subject matter experts to review the merit of applications for federal funding opportunities and ongoing projects. You could be exactly who we are looking for!

HFTO is looking for reviewers with knowledge and expertise in—but not limited to—the following areas:

  • Hydrogen production, storage, and delivery technologies
  • Hydrogen fuel cell technologies
  • Hydrogen and energy infrastructure
  • Integrated energy systems
  • Manufacturing of fuel cells, electrolyzers, and other clean-hydrogen systems
  • Recycling and recovery of fuel cells, electrolyzers, and other clean-hydrogen systems
  • System integration
  • Analysis (techno-economic, financial, and market)
  • Hydrogen pilots and demonstrations
  • Community engagement (e.g., workforce, labor, and other community concerns)
  • Safety, codes and standards. 

HFTO may provide an honorarium for reviewers' time and expert feedback. While the timeline for review is rigid, reviewers are generally able to complete their reviews at times that fit with their schedule. Participation on a merit review panel may also include travel for in-person meetings.

How To Apply

To apply to be an HFTO reviewer, please email a copy of your most recent resume and a brief summary of your experience along with LinkedIn profile (if available) to [email protected]

You can express your interest at any time. HFTO will contact reviewers with relevant expertise based on the needs of specific programs and funding solicitations.

You can visit our closed funding opportunities page to see past solicitations that have been evaluated by HFTO reviewers. You can also view examples of reviewer feedback from the DOE Hydrogen Program's 2023 Annual Merit Review and Peer Evaluation.

Reach out to [email protected] with any questions.