Hydrogen Storage Related Links

The following resources provide details about U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)-funded hydrogen storage activities, research plans and roadmaps, models and tools, and additional related links.

DOE-Funded Hydrogen Storage Activities

Research Plans and Roadmaps

Materials Centers of Excellence Final Reports

Models and Tools

  • The Recommended Best Practices for the Characterization of Storage Properties of Hydrogen Storage Materials serves as a resource for the hydrogen materials development community on common methodologies and protocols for measuring critical performance properties of advanced hydrogen storage materials.
  • The Hydrogen Storage Materials Database provides the research community with easy access to searchable, comprehensive, up-to-date materials data in one central location on adsorbents, chemicals, and metal hydrides. The database also includes information from DOE-funded research—pulled from a number of sources, including the historical Hydride Information Center database, DOE-funded research projects, and the former DOE Centers of Excellence—and is being expanded to include non-DOE, international, and computational sources.
  • The Hydrogen Materials Advanced Research Consortium (HyMARC) provides engineering, design, and system models required for optimizing onboard subsystems. Find various models developed by HyMARC and the Hydrogen Storage Engineering Center of Excellence for use by the research and development community.
  • DOE Hydrogen Program program records provide the source of key numbers and facts.

Additional Resources