Hydrogen can be produced using a number of different processes. Thermochemical processes use heat and chemical reactions to release hydrogen from organic materials, such as fossil fuels and biomass, or from materials like water. Water (H2O) can also be split into hydrogen (H2) and oxygen (O2) using electrolysis or solar energy. Microorganisms such as bacteria and algae can produce hydrogen through biological processes.
Thermochemical Processes
Some thermal processes use the energy in various resources, such as natural gas, coal, or biomass, to release hydrogen from their molecular structure. In other processes, heat, in combination with closed-chemical cycles, produces hydrogen from feedstocks such as water. Learn more about the following thermochemical processes:
- Natural gas reforming (also called steam methane reforming or SMR)
- Biomass gasification
- Biomass-derived liquid reforming
- Solar thermochemical hydrogen (STCH).
Electrolytic Processes
Electrolyzers use electricity to split water into hydrogen and oxygen. This technology is well developed and available commercially, and systems that can efficiently use intermittent renewable power are being developed. Learn more about electrolysis.
Direct Solar Water Splitting Processes
Direct solar water splitting, or photolytic, processes use light energy to split water into hydrogen and oxygen. These processes are currently in various early stages of research but offer long-term potential for sustainable hydrogen production with low environmental impact. Learn more about the following solar water splitting processes:
Biological Processes
Microbes such as bacteria and microalgae can produce hydrogen through biological reactions, using sunlight or organic matter. These technology pathways are in the research and development stage, with pilot demonstrations occurring, but in the long term have the potential for sustainable, low-carbon hydrogen production. Learn more about the following biological processes: