The U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) hosted the Hydrogen Infrastructure Market Readiness Workshop February 16–17, 2011, in Washington, D.C. Stakeholders and technology experts convened to review and discuss fueling equipment costs, market readiness, and business strategies for early markets such as fuel cell electric vehicles, material handling equipment, and fuel cell transit buses.
The workshop focused on reducing the cost of hydrogen stations while increasing availability for market readiness. Stakeholders were asked to identify and provide feedback on the following:
Cost reduction opportunities from economies of scale (e.g., station standardization, number and size of installations) and learning-by-doing resulting from growth in material handling equipment (MHE), backup power, transit bus, and light duty vehicle markets.
Cost reduction opportunities from focused research and development (R&D) areas and priorities.
Specific examples through which early markets, such as MHE, backup power, and transit buses, can provide increased demand and reduce hydrogen infrastructure costs.
In addition to the workshop, NREL partnered with IDC Energy Insights to design and distribute the Hydrogen Station Cost Calculator (HSCC) as a means of collecting quantitative information on station cost reduction opportunities. Results from the HSCC are included in the workshop proceedings.
- Hydrogen Infrastructure Market Readiness Workshop: Preliminary Results
- Hydrogen Infrastructure Market Readiness: Final Workshop Proceedings
- DOE Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Overview, Sunita Satyapal, DOE Fuel Cell Technologies Office
- Hydrogen and Infrastructure Costs, Fred Joseck, DOE Fuel Cell Technologies Office
- State Experience in Hydrogen Infrastructure in California, Gerhard Achtelik, California Air Resources Board
- Early Station Costs Questionnaire, Marc Melaina, NREL