H2LinkSC: Linking Fundamental and Applied Science To Advance Clean Hydrogen RD&D

H2LinkSC is a unique approach to introduce new ideas, materials, and tools from basic science to applied research and development for clean hydrogen technologies. 

H2LinkSC strengthens coordination between the Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office (HFTO) and the Office of Science's (SC) Energy Earthshot Research Centers (EERCs), Science Foundations for the Energy EarthshotsEnergy Frontier Research Centers (EFRCs), and other SC-supported research efforts. These collaborative activities can include science and technology symposia, sample exchanges, data sharing, joint publications, and sharing of best practices across agencies and offices. 

Existing H2LinkSC projects are focusing to reduce electrolyzer costs through an "all-hands-on-deck" approach. Coordinated activities, including sample exchanges, data sharing, and computational modeling, are underway and demonstrating results, particularly in accelerating innovation in crucial hydrogen technologies such as alkaline-exchange membrane electrolyzers and proton- and oxide-conducting solid oxide electrolyzers. Altogether, these activities serve to identify opportunities to meet DOE's Hydrogen Energy Earthshot goal of $1 per 1 kg in 1 decade.  

H2LinkSC pilot projects include the following.  

High Performance and Robust Proton Conducting Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cells (P-SOECs) Enabled by New Materials, Interfaces, and Fabrication Methods

  • Goal: Improve key components and aspects of P-SOECs such as electrode materials, interface engineering, new fabrication methods, and prototyping single cells. 
  • H2LinkSC: Researchers interact with the EFRC Hydrogen for Energy and Information Sciences.  

Directed Search for Stable and Conductive Electrolytes for Next-Generation P-SOECs

  • Goal: Use computational screening tools to identify improved materials and predict processes to fabricate single cells from these materials. 
  • H2LinkSC: Hydrogen Energy Earthshot research project researchers interact with the EFRC Hydrogen for Energy and Information Sciences. 

Stable High-Performing Oxygen Electrode for O-SOECs Operating at Lower Temperatures 

  • Goal: Develop new materials that promote higher performance at lower than typical operating temperatures for O-SOECs. 
  • H2LinkSC: This project coordinates with existing Office of Science-funded projects at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory to develop new techniques to characterize these novel materials.  

Studying-Polymers-on-a-Chip: Increased Alkaline Stability in Anion Exchange Membranes

  • Goal: Use studying-polymers-on-a-chip technology to improve durability of anion exchange membranes through automated high-throughput screening, operando aging, and coupled computational simulations. 
  • H2LinkSC: Researchers interface with various EFRCs/EERCs, including the Center for Ionomer-based Water Electrolysis, the Center for Enhanced Nanofluidic Transport, and the Center for Alkaline-Based Energy Solutions.  

By leveraging the applied expertise of the teams supported by HFTO and the fundamental understandings developed by SC, H2LinkSC aims to catalyze the research, development, demonstration, and ultimately deployment of clean hydrogen technologies critical to national clean energy priorities.