The November 2017 issue of the Fuel Cell Technologies Office (FCTO) newsletter includes stories in these categories:
In the News
DOE Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program 2018 Annual Merit Review and Peer Evaluation Meeting
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program 2018 Annual Merit Review (AMR) and Peer Evaluation Meeting will be held on June 13–15, 2018, in Washington, D.C. During the AMR, reviewers evaluate the Program's projects and make recommendations; DOE uses these evaluations, along with other review processes, to make project funding decisions for the upcoming fiscal year. The review also provides a forum for promoting collaborations, the exchange of ideas, and technology transfer. In 2017, approximately 1,800 participants attended, and more than 380 experts peer-reviewed 150 of the Program's projects.
R&D Magazine Awards Recognize Innovative Research with Commercial Potential, Awards Include 3 Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Projects
DOE researchers have won 33 of the 100 awards given out this year by R&D Magazine, including three supported by the FCTO. DOE also received a special recognition award for the most outstanding technology developments with promising commercial potential. The annual R&D 100 Awards are given in recognition of exceptional new products or processes that were developed and introduced into the marketplace during the previous year. The awards were presented on Friday, November 17, in Orlando, Florida.
Fuel Cell Generators Prove They Can Save Energy and Emissions on Shipping
DOE recently posted a success story about how hydrogen fuel cell generators can be used in place of existing diesel generators on ships to save energy and reduce dirty diesel emissions. Read Fuel Cell Generators Prove They Can Save Energy and Emissions on Shipping to learn more about how this partnership between DOE's FCTO and the U.S. Maritime Administration met its goal to show reliable power generation that is more energy efficient than a diesel generator, and also reaps the benefit of eliminating air polluting emissions and dramatically reducing noise.
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Webinars and Workshops
Upcoming Webinar December 13: U.S. Shale Revolution and Chemicals Industry Generates Low-Cost Large-Scale Supply of Hydrogen
FCTO will present a live webinar titled "U.S. Shale Revolution and Chemicals Industry Generates Low-Cost Large-Scale Supply of Hydrogen" on Wednesday, December 13, from 12 to 1 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. In this webinar, Argonne National Laboratory will explain how the U.S. shale revolution is creating thousands of tonnes of hydrogen supply per day, in parallel with rapid growth in the chemicals industry. Growth in the production of natural gas has created supply of natural gas liquids (NGLs), which are recovered from natural gas streams. NGLs are currently "cracked" to produce high-value chemicals, such as ethane, that satisfy both domestic and export demands. A by-product of petrochemical cracking is high-purity hydrogen that is currently burned or vented. Recovery of these by-product streams has a strong value proposition to meet the hydrogen demands of emerging industries, such as fuel cell electric vehicles. The webinar will cover analysis of the expected quantities and costs of by-product hydrogen supply by 2020. Register for the webinar.
Webinar November 7: Hydrogen Fuel Cell Supply Chain Expansion through the Hydrogen Fuel Cell Nexus Directory
FCTO and Virginia Clean Cities (VCC) presented a webinar titled "Hydrogen Fuel Cell Supply Chain Expansion through the Hydrogen Fuel Cell Nexus Directory" on November 7. VCC coordinators provided an overview of the national business website that allows individuals to rapidly find hydrogen and fuel cell supply chain specific businesses. Additionally, VCC coordinators discussed the methods of expanding content and adding businesses or products to the directory. See slides and a recording from the webinar.
Visit our website to see webinar archives or workshop presentations.
Studies, Reports, and Publications
Fuel Cell Buses in U.S. Transit Fleets: Current Status 2017
This report, published annually, summarizes the progress of fuel cell electric bus (FCEB) development in the United States and discusses the achievements and challenges of introducing fuel cell propulsion in transit. The report provides a summary of results from evaluations performed by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. This annual status report combines results from all FCEB demonstrations, tracks the progress of the FCEB industry toward meeting technical targets, documents the lessons learned, and discusses the path forward for commercial viability of fuel cell technology for transit buses. These data and analyses help provide needed information to guide future early-stage research and development.
Visit our website to access technical information about hydrogen and fuel cells. This information is provided in documents such as technical and project reports, conference proceedings and journal articles, technical presentations, and links to other websites.