Fuel Cell Technologies Office Newsletter: July 2016

The July 2016 issue of the Fuel Cell Technologies Office (FCTO) newsletter includes stories in these categories:

In the News

Energy Department Announces $14 Million to Advance Hydrogen Fuel Technologies

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced up to $14 million in funding for the advancement of hydrogen fuel technologies. Specifically, these selections include advanced high-temperature water splitting, advanced compression, and thermal insulation technologies. These projects will accelerate American innovation in hydrogen and fuel cell technologies by supporting research and development and domestic manufacturing. Read the full story.

Energy Department Announces $13 Million to Advance Fuel Cell Performance and Durability and Hydrogen Storage Technologies

DOE announced more than $13 million in funding for the advancement of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies through the Fuel Cell Consortium for Performance and Durability (FC-PAD) and the Hydrogen Materials—Advanced Research Consortium (HyMARC). These selected projects will leverage industry, university, and laboratory expertise to accelerate American innovation in advanced hydrogen storage and fuel cell performance and durability. Read the full story.

D.C. Showcases Cutting-Edge Hydrogen Fueling Station Demo

DOE and the Department of Interior's National Park Service have officially opened a new technology demonstration hydrogen refueling station in Washington, D.C. This hydrogen station aims to grow and advance the benefits of hydrogen power as a fuel, and highlight the benefits of fuel cell electric vehicles firsthand throughout the region. Read the blog and see the video.

5 Things to Know When Filling Up Your Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle

The Energy Department recently posted a blog that provides five tips to follow when filling up at a hydrogen fuel station for the first time. Read 5 Things to Know When Filling Up Your Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle to learn how filling up your fuel cell electric vehicle is just as easy as filling up a gasoline-powered car.

FY17 SBIR Phase I Release 1 Topics Announced: Includes Fuel Cell Catalysts and Hydrogen Delivery

DOE has announced the 2017 Small Business Innovation Research and Small Business Technology Transfer (SBIR/STTR) Phase I Release 1 topics, including two subtopics focused on hydrogen and fuel cell technologies. The fuel cell subtopic includes novel, durable supports for low-platinum group metal catalysts for polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells. The hydrogen delivery subtopic focuses on metal hydride materials for compression.

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Funding Opportunities and Requests for Information

DOE Issues Request for Information on Hydrogen Infrastructure RD&D

FCTO has issued a request for information (RFI) to obtain feedback from stakeholders regarding deployment of hydrogen fueling stations, delivery infrastructure, and barriers and activities to pursue in both the near and longer term. Potential activities would complement existing FCTO activities that address the barriers hydrogen fueling stations face today, including renewable hydrogen fuel cost, station and equipment cost, station reliability and performance, codes and standards development, manufacturing needs, and outreach and training needs. For details, see the RFI announcement DE-FOA-0001626 or email questions about the RFI to [email protected] with "question" in the subject line. RFI responses must be received no later than 5 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time on August 26, 2016.

Updates and future RFI and funding opportunity announcements will be posted on FCTO's financial opportunities website.

Webinars and Workshops

Upcoming Webinar August 30: International Hydrogen Infrastructure Update

FCTO will present a webinar entitled "International Hydrogen Infrastructure Update" on Tuesday, August 30, from 12 to 1 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time (EDT). This webinar will discuss the status of international hydrogen infrastructure deployment. The webinar will introduce the current status of the technology in several countries, including Japan and Germany. Several perspectives on global hydrogen refueling infrastructure initiatives will be provided. Register to attend this webinar.

Webinar July 28: H2 @ Scale – A Potential Opportunity

FCTO presented a webinar entitled "H2 @ Scale – A Potential Opportunity" on July 28. Hydrogen, as a flexible, clean energy-carrying intermediate, has the potential to be a centerpiece of a future energy system where aggressive market penetration of renewables (wind and solar) are coupled with renewable hydrogen production to meet society's energy demands using clean, renewable resources and processes. A number of key recent changes are bringing hydrogen back into the spotlight: (1) renewable energy is getting cheaper, and penetration levels are increasing at an exponential pace; (2) the costs of greenhouse gas emissions (climate change) and criteria pollutants (health concerns) are being acknowledged and are reaching a point where society is demanding change (renewable portfolio and zero emission vehicle standards); and (3) commercial viability of fuel cell vehicle technology has been demonstrated (commercial vehicles being sold). This presentation focused on the role of hydrogen at the grid scale and the efforts of a large, national lab team assembled to evaluate the potential of hydrogen to play a critical role in our energy future. Facts about hydrogen were shared, as was the vision of how it will fit into our future energy system. Finally, the R&D needs to enable this future were discussed. See slides of this webinar (recording coming soon).

Visit our website to see webinar archives or workshop presentations.

National Laboratory and Principal Investigator Achievements

LBNL Researcher Awarded IAHE Sir William Grove Award at WHEC

In June, Adam Weber of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) was awarded the International Association of Hydrogen Energy's (IAHE's) Sir William Grove Award for Leadership in Electrochemical Area. The IAHE awards are given to formally recognize those individuals and organizations who have made major contributions to the cause of hydrogen energy worldwide. The IAHE Sir William Grove Award for Leadership in Electrochemical Area is awarded to those involved in the research and development of fuel cells and electrolyzers and other electrochemical means relating to hydrogen processing. The award was given at the World Hydrogen Energy Conference (WHEC) in Zaragoza, Spain.

USCAR Recognizes Research Partners from DOE

The United States Council for Automotive Research LLC (USCAR), the collaborative automotive technology company of General Motors, FCA US LLC, and Ford Motor Company, recently recognized Jesse Adams, Technology Manager, DOE, with a USCAR Research Partner Award at its 16th Annual USCAR Recognition Event. Nominees for USCAR Research Partner Awards are those who have contributed unique expertise, ideas, or resources that would not have otherwise been available to original equipment manufacturer members. The individual's contributions generally have had a major impact on team accomplishments that have recognized value to the USCAR companies.