Energy Market Analysis synthesizes all analysis efforts in the analysis spectrum. Scenario analyses, in the context of market analysis, are used to answer several questions:
- What are the feasible options for developing a future in which hydrogen plays a role?
- What are the impacts, costs, and financial risks of the various scenarios for transitioning to the hydrogen future?
- Which technologies are most likely to be a part of the hydrogen future, and what are the interactions between these technologies and other energy sources and carriers?
- What market penetration pathways are likely?
- What are the scenarios for hydrogen use in transportation and stationary markets?
The scenarios that are developed and the costs and benefits that are quantified, are used to develop a broad understanding of the most viable routes for achieving the hydrogen future. Results are useful in crosscutting benefits analysis, and will be used by the Systems Integrator to provide decision-making recommendations to the Program. Studies will be carried out to evaluate the opportunities for intermittent renewables, including cost, location, benefits of grid interaction, and areas for enhanced RD&D. Additionally, all the analysis capabilities described in the analysis spectrum will be synthesized into energy market analysis models to develop a broad capability for analyzing the development of possible hydrogen futures.