The U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) held a Biogas and Fuel Cells Workshop June 11–13, 2012, in Golden, Colorado, to discuss biogas and waste-to-energy technologies for fuel cell applications. Workshop objectives were to discuss the state-of-the-art of the technologies; identify challenges preventing or delaying widespread deployment of biogas fuel cell projects and opportunities to address those challenges; and develop strategies for accelerating the use of biogas for stationary fuel cell power or hydrogen fueling infrastructure for motive power fuel cells.
Day 1
- Welcome to NREL, Dale Gardner, NREL
- DOE Perspective
- Expanding the Use of Biogas with Fuel Cell Technologies, Sunita Satyapal, DOE Fuel Cell Technologies Office
- Biomass Program Perspectives on Anaerobic Digestion and Fuel Cell Integration at Biorefineries, Brian Duff, DOE Biomass Program
- Markets and Legislative Outlook
- Industry Perspective, Michael Hicks, Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Association
- State Level Incentives For Biogas-Fuel Cell Projects, Norma McDonald, Organic Waste Systems
- Biogas Markets and Federal Policy, Patrick Serfass, American Biogas Council
Day 2
- Biomass Resources Overview and Perspectives on Best Fits for Fuel Cells, Darlene Steward, NREL
- Success Stories
- Fuel Cell Power Plants: Biofuel Case Study — Tulare, CA, Frank Wolak, Fuel Cell Energy
- High Temperature Fuel Cell Tri-Generation of Power, Heat & H2 from Biogas, Jack Brouwer, University of California, Irvine
- Renewable LNG: Update on the World's Largest Landfill Gas to LNG Plant, Mike McGowan, Linde North America
- Biogas Technologies and Integration with Fuel Cells
- Biogas Impurities and Cleanup for Fuel Cells, Shabbir Ahmed, Argonne National Laboratory
- Air Liquide — Biogas & Fuel Cells, Charlie Anderson, Air Liquide
- Biogas Production Technologies, Ruihong Zhang, University of California, Davis
- Biogas Technologies and Integration with Fuel Cells, Ian Handley, Ros Roca Envirotec USA
- Putting Resources and Technology Together
- Biogas From Municipal WWTPs: Fuel Cells Viewed as a Value Proposition, Steve Hamilton, SCS Energy
- Opportunities in Bond Financing, James Dack, Stern Brothers & Co.
Workshop participants included:
- Air Liquide
- American Biogas Council
- Argonne National Laboratory
- Army CERL
- Ballard Power Systems
- Bioferm Energy Systems
- Clean Energy Fuels
- Element Markets
- Energetics
- Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Association
- Fuel Cell Energy
- Gas Technologies Institute
- Landfill Energy Systems
- Linde
- National Renewable Energy Laboratory
- Organic Waste Systems, Inc.
- Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
- Ros Roca
- Sandia National Laboratory
- SCS Energy
- State of Colorado
- Stern Brothers
- TDA Research, Inc.
- Tetra Tech
- U.S. Department of Energy
- University of California, Davis
- University of California, Irvine
- UTC Power
- Xcel Energy