The U.S. Department of Energy's Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office selected 17 projects for R&D supporting clean hydrogen and fuel cell applications.
Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office
July 26, 2024DOE's Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office (HFTO) selects 17 projects for R&D supporting clean hydrogen and fuel cell applications
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) last week announced its list of selectees for the second release of FY 2024 Phase I Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) awards. With these selections, the SBIR program is providing over $52 million for more than 200 small businesses across the country to facilitate the research and development (R&D) of clean energy projects.
As part of this funding, HFTO selected the following 17 projects for R&D of clean hydrogen and fuel cell applications, with a total expected funding of $3.4 million:
Selectee | Project Title |
Special Power Sources / Alliance, Ohio | Hydrogen Refueling Station Boil-Off Venting Utilization Demonstration |
Gaia Energy Resource Institute / Alexandria, Virginia | A Novel Application for Stationary Fuel Cell Systems |
Composite Technology Development / Lafayette, Colorado | Microcrack-Resistant Resin Systems for Cryo-Compressed Hydrogen Storage |
NanoSonic / Pembroke, Virginia | Cryogenic Composite Seals for Liquid Hydrogen Service Components |
NanoSonic / Pembroke, Virginia | Novel Membranes and MEAs for High Temperature Fuel Cell Operation |
Mainstream Engineering / Rockledge, Florida | Variable Speed Electrically Powered Compact PTO |
Morel Energy / Delafield, Wisconsin | Flexible Power Take-Off Unit for Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles |
TDA Research / Wheat Ridge, Colorado | Thermally Stable Nanoporous Membrane for PEM Fuel Cell Operated at High Temperatures |
Celadyne Technologies / Willowbrook, Illinois | Microstructurally Modified Composite Membranes and Membrane-Electrode Assemblies for Fuel Cell Operations |
Orion Polymer Inc. / Cohoes, New York | High Temperature PEM Fuel Cells based on Ion-Pair Systems |
Starfire Industries / Champaign, Illinois | Multilayer Thin-Film Coatings for Titanium Electrolyzer Bipolar Plates Using Next-Generation Quasi-Conformal PVD with Precision Ion Energy Control |
TreadStone Technologies / Princeton, New Jersey | Precious-Metal-Free Coating for PEM Electrolyzer Bipolar Plates |
HyWatts Inc. / San Diego, California | Novel Water Electrolyzer for Hydrogen Production Using an Intermediate Temperature Membrane |
Giner Inc. / Newton, Massachusetts | PFAS-Free Polyolefin PEM Membrane for Water Electrolysis |
Volta Energy / Worcester, Massachusetts | A Novel Alkaline-Water Electrolyzer Based on Cation-Exchange Membrane |
Faraday Technology / Englewood, Ohio | Bubble-Free Capillary-Fed Water Electrolysis |
Ryan DuChanois / Houston, Texas | A Dual-Functioning Solid-Electrolyte Electrolyzer for Carbon-Negative Hydrogen Production |
The SBIR program provides competitively selected grants for projects that have the potential for commercialization and meet DOE mission-specific R&D needs. Research topics are selected through the DOE SBIR/STTR Programs Office working collaboratively with HFTO and other DOE program offices.
Learn more about these selections.