Oct. 8: A Special National Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day H2IQ Hour—Highlighting H2@Scale Demonstration Projects

Join the H2IQ Hour on Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day for a deep dive on three demonstration efforts that are supporting EERE's H2@Scale vision.

Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office

October 1, 2020
minute read time

Join the H2IQ Hour on October 8, 2020, at 12 p.m. ET, in recognition of National Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day, for a deep dive on the demonstration efforts that are supporting EERE's H2@Scale vision for affordable hydrogen production, storage, distribution, and utilization across multiple applications in the United States.

With October 8 (10/08) chosen to represent the atomic weight of hydrogen (1.008), Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day is an opportunity to celebrate progress in the field. As part of that celebration, this webinar will provide an overview of the H2@Scale vision highlighting three H2@Scale demonstration projects:

  • A hydrogen production, storage, and utilization system that supports stationary power, refueling of fuel cell vehicles, and grid optimization controls at a utility in Florida (GinerELX)
  • A renewable hydrogen generation system co-located with a computing center using fuel cell power to run operations and installing hydrogen refueling infrastructure for fuel cell vehicles in Texas (Frontier Energy)
  • An end-to-end integrated-scale carbon-free hydrogen production storage and utilization system at a nuclear power plant (Exelon).

The H2IQ Hour will include a 45-minute live presentation, followed by 15 minutes of Q&A. A recording of the H2IQ will be available on the website after the event.

Register today.

  • Hydrogen
  • Fuel Cell Technologies
  • Clean Hydrogen Production Tax Credit (45V)
  • Energy Demonstrations
  • Hydrogen Production