December H2IQ Hour Webinar: SHASTA

Join our December H2IQ Hour webinar on December 15, 2023, at 12 p.m. ET for an update on the Subsurface Hydrogen Assessment, Storage, and Technology Acceleration (SHASTA) project.

Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office

December 8, 2023
minute read time

Join our December H2IQ Hour webinar on December 15, 2023, at 12 p.m. ET for an update on the Subsurface Hydrogen Assessment, Storage, and Technology Acceleration (SHASTA) project. Led by the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management, SHASTA unites four national laboratories— National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL), Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, and Sandia National Laboratories—to determine the viability, safety, and reliability of storing pure hydrogen or hydrogen-natural gas blends in subsurface environments.

Presenters will include Dr. Angela Goodman with NETL and Dr. Nicolas Huerta with PNNL.

Large-scale underground hydrogen storage will be required as the U.S. transitions to a virtually carbon- and emissions-free clean energy economy. The SHASTA initiative can accelerate and expand the use of hydrogen by using existing natural gas facilities at storage sites across the United States. Research is focused on quantifying materials compatibility, investigating core- and reservoir-scale performance, and characterizing microbial interactions. Both field experiments and modeled simulations are being conducted to study pure hydrogen and hydrogen-natural gas blends within underground gas storage infrastructure. 

The H2IQ Hour will include a 45-minute live presentation followed by 15 minutes of Q&A. A recording of the H2IQ Hour will be available on the website following the event.

Register today.

  • Hydrogen
  • Fuel Cell Technologies
  • Energy Storage
  • National Labs
  • Clean Energy