Learn about Fuel Cell Technologies Office webinars held in 2016 through the descriptions and linked materials below. Also view webinar archives from other years.
Webinars presented in 2016:
- Total Cost of Ownership Modeling for Stationary Fuel Cell Systems
- HydroGEN Consortium Overview, Part 3 of 3: Solar Thermochemical (STCH) Hydrogen Production
- HydroGEN Consortium Overview, Part 2 of 3: Electrolysis
- HydroGEN Consortium Overview, Part 1 of 3: Photoelectrochemical (PEC) Water Splitting
- FCTO Lab Consortia Overview: ElectroCat and HyMARC
- Energy Materials Network (EMN) Lab Consortia Overview
- Past, Present, and Future Challenges in Electrocatalysis for Fuel Cells
- International Hydrogen Infrastructure Update
- H2@Scale—A Potential Opportunity
- Hydrogen Fuel Cells for Small Unmanned Air Vehicles
- Overview of HyRAM (Hydrogen Risk Assessment Models) Software for Science-Based Safety, Codes, and Standards
- DetecTape—A Localized Visual Detector for Hydrogen Leaks
- Update to the 700 bar Compressed Hydrogen Storage System Cost Projection
- Potential Strategies for Integrating Solar Hydrogen Production and Concentrating Solar Power: A Systems Analysis
- Assessing Steel Pipeline and Weld Susceptibility to Hydrogen Embrittlement
- FCTO Consortia Overview (HyMARC and FC-PAD)
Total Cost of Ownership Modeling for Stationary Fuel Cell Systems
December 13, 2016
This webinar described a total cost of ownership model for stationary fuel cell systems (FCS). Items discussed included direct costs for proton exchange membrane (PEM) and solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) combined heat and power (CHP) systems; balance of plant costs; comparisons to existing systems in Japan for micro-CHP and U.S. backup power systems; learning rates and current costs from the California Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP); and the methodology for externality valuation.
HydroGEN Consortium Overview, Part 3 of 3: Solar Thermochemical (STCH) Hydrogen Production
November 17, 2016
This was the third of three webinars describing the capabilities in each of the water splitting pathways being covered by FCTO's HydroGEN consortium. The webinar focused on capabilities relevant to solar thermochemical (STCH) water splitting and presented the key nodes available for STCH research, including synthesis, characterization, computational modeling, scale-up, and system integration tools.
HydroGEN Consortium Overview, Part 2 of 3: Electrolysis
November 15, 2016
This was the second of three webinars describing the capabilities in each of the water splitting pathways being covered by FCTO's HydroGEN consortium. The webinar focused on capabilities relevant to low- and high-temperature advanced electrolysis and presented the key nodes available for electrolysis research, including synthesis, characterization, computational modeling, scale-up, and system integration tools.
HydroGEN Consortium Overview, Part 1 of 3: Photoelectrochemical (PEC) Water Splitting
November 10, 2016
This was the first of three webinars describing the capabilities in each of the water splitting pathways being covered by FCTO's HydroGEN consortium. The webinar focused on capabilities relevant to photoelectrochemical (PEC) water splitting and presented the key nodes available for PEC research, including synthesis, characterization, computational modeling, scale-up, and system integration tools.
FCTO Lab Consortia Overview: ElectroCat and HyMARC
November 8, 2016
This webinar provided an overview of FCTO's Electrocatalysis (ElectroCat) and Hydrogen Materials—Advanced Research Consortium (HyMARC) lab consortia, including a summary of the organization of these consortia, their current/planned scientific activities and capabilities, and the role of individual projects selected to work with these consortia through the upcoming FY17 FOA.
Energy Materials Network (EMN) Lab Consortia Overview
November 7, 2016
This webinar provided an overview of the DOE's newly launched Energy Materials Network, a network of consortia of national laboratories that will facilitate closer collaborations in the materials development cycle and enable U.S. manufacturers to deliver innovative, made-in-America products to the world market. The webinar discussed how the EMN consortia operate and how they are being integrated into funding opportunity announcements (FOAs) intended for FY17.
Past, Present, and Future Challenges in Electrocatalysis for Fuel Cells
October 13, 2016
This webinar provided a chronological overview of progress that has been made in design of platinum-based electrocatalysts that are currently used in low temperature fuel cells. Particular emphasis was placed on the necessity to resolve current limitations at the molecular scale, which can ultimately lead toward design of electrocatalysts with advanced properties.
International Hydrogen Infrastructure Update
August 30, 2016
This webinar discussed the status of international hydrogen infrastructure deployment. The webinar introduced the current status of the technology in several countries, including Japan and Germany. Several perspectives on global hydrogen refueling infrastructure initiatives were also provided.
H2@Scale—A Potential Opportunity
July 28, 2016
This webinar focused on the role of hydrogen at the grid scale and the efforts of a large, national lab team assembled to evaluate the potential of hydrogen to play a critical role in our energy future. Facts about hydrogen were shared, as was the vision of how it will fit into our future energy system. The R&D needs to enable this future were also discussed.
Hydrogen Fuel Cells for Small Unmanned Air Vehicles
May 26, 2016
This webinar highlighted the Naval Research Laboratory's (NRL's) incorporation of fuel cells into their small unmanned air vehicles, and the resulting fuel and energy saving benefits of this technology. NRL has contributed to fundamental and applied fuel cell technology research for well over a decade and has collaborated with the Fuel Cell Technologies Office through interagency working groups.
Overview of HyRAM (Hydrogen Risk Assessment Models) Software for Science-Based Safety, Codes, and Standards
April 26, 2016
This webinar provided an introduction to the new HyRAM (Hydrogen Risk Assessment Models) research software developed by Sandia National Laboratories and supported by the Fuel Cell Technologies Office. The HyRAM toolkit was designed to address key barriers to hydrogen infrastructure deployment, including limited access to safety data, lack of models describing hydrogen behavior, and challenges using technical data to revise standards.
DetecTape—A Localized Visual Detector for Hydrogen Leaks
March 14, 2016
This webinar discussed DetecTape, a color-changing, self-fusing silicone tape designed to detect hydrogen gas leaks in fuel cell, transmission, storage, and generation facilities, that hydrogen equipment operators can use to quickly identify precise leak locations and initiate maintenance protocols, expediting the restoration of equipment while maintaining a safe workplace.
Update to the 700 bar Compressed Hydrogen Storage System Cost Projection
February 25, 2016
In this webinar Strategic Analysis presented results of its cost analysis of onboard compressed hydrogen storage systems. The hydrogen storage systems analyzed are 700 bar pressure vessels made of a carbon fiber composite wrapped polymer liner (type IV). Strategic Analysis uses a Design for Manufacturing and Assembly (DFMA) approach to estimate the cost to manufacture type IV hydrogen storage systems. Updates to the 2013 analysis, which serves as a baseline, were presented. The webinar familiarized participants with the DFMA approach, explained what processes and materials are used to manufacture composite storage vessels, and discussed the improvements in hydrogen storage systems that have led to cost reductions.
Potential Strategies for Integrating Solar Hydrogen Production and Concentrating Solar Power: A Systems Analysis
January 21, 2016
This webinar discussed an analysis conducted by Sandia National Laboratories that explored potential synergies that may be realized by integrating solar hydrogen production and concentrating solar power (CSP) technologies. The webinar presented the results of this analysis, including a discussion of the conditions that may favor the integration of hydrogen production and CSP.
Assessing Steel Pipeline and Weld Susceptibility to Hydrogen Embrittlement
January 12, 2016
Understanding the impact of hydrogen on structural steel (commonly referred to as "hydrogen embrittlement") is critical to the design of equipment used in hydrogen service, such as compressors, storage vessels, and pipelines. This webinar discussed the breadth of testing performed at Sandia National Laboratories focused on the effects of hydrogen gas on steel pipelines and welds. The webinar also demonstrated how measured fatigue crack growth laws can be applied to calculate minimum wall thickness needed for steel hydrogen pipelines.
FCTO Consortia Overview (HyMARC and FC-PAD)
January 7, 2016
This webinar provided an overview of the Fuel Cell Consortium for Performance and Durability (FC-PAD) and the Hydrogen Materials—Advanced Research Consortium (HyMARC), including a summary of the organization of these consortia, their planned scientific activities, and the role of individual projects selected to work with these consortia through the FY16 Funding Opportunity Announcement.