On September 28, 2010, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) held a kick-off meeting for new projects awarded under a fuel cell solicitation. Principal investigators presented project overviews, which are provided below.
Topics include:
Meeting Agenda and Overview
- Meeting Agenda
- Opening Remarks, Dimitrios Papageorgopoulos, DOE Fuel Cell Technologies Office
- Reporting Requirements, Greg Kleen, DOE Fuel Cell Technologies Office
- High-Activity Dealloyed Catalysts, Fred Wagner, General Motors
- Novel Non-PGM Electrocatalysts, Sanjeev Mukerjee, Northeastern University
- Development of Ultra-Low Pt Alloy Catalysts, Branko Popov, University of South Carolina
- Ultra-High Activity & Stability of Pt Catalysts, John Turner, NREL
- Investigation of Micro- and Macro-Scale Transport, Jon Owejan, General Motors
- Analysis of Durability of PEM FC Membrane Electrodes, Randal Perry, DuPont
Innovative Concepts
- Processes for Improved Fuel Cell Performance, Corrugated Membrane Fuel Cell Structures, Walther Grot, Ion Power
- Mixed Conducting Corrosion Resistant Materials, Vijay Ramani, Illinois Institute of Technology
Portable Power
- Advanced Materials and Concepts for Portable Fuel Cells, Piotr Zelenay, LANL