These photo collections offer images that can be used to enhance your story or message. Browse the archives to find thousands of photographs that depict the U.S. Department of Energy's and the national laboratories' various programs and activities. Please see the Website policies for more information on using photographs from the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) website.
Department of Energy Flickr Photostream
This collection of photos provides images for the general public and the Department of Energy community.
Argonne National Laboratory Image Library
Argonne's Flickr Image Library offers images for download covering the various scientific activities at the lab.
Brookhaven National Laboratory Image Library
This collection of images depicts Brookhaven's activities and research.
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Photos & Images
This collection of photos from the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory includes both current and historical images.
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Image Library
Lawrence Livermore's Image Library includes photos and illustrations of lab activities, research, technologies, people, and historical computers.
National Renewable Energy Laboratory Image Gallery
The NREL Image Gallery is the National Renewable Energy Laboratory's collection of photo resources related to renewable energy and energy efficiency.
Oak Ridge National Laboratory Flickr Photostream
This collection of photos from Oak Ridge National Laboratory contains photos depicting lab research and activities.
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Flickr Photostream
This collection contains hundreds of photos of innovative technologies developed and research performed by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.
Sandia National Laboratories Image Gallery
Sandia's Image Gallery contains recent and archived photos of lab activities and research.