University of Wisconsin–Madison 2024


University of Wisconsin – Madison, Madison, Wisconsin 

Faculty Adviser
Scott Williams

Student Lead
Josh Delgado

A group of people in front of a wall with a sign that reads, "Wisconsin Energy Institute."

The WiscWind Collegiate Wind Competition team includes (from left to right) in the back row: Rahul Polavarapu, Collin Ariagno, Samuel Fronek, Dean Izzo, Mark Kuzel, Daniel Papikiants, Christian Barrett, Samuel Coughlin, Seth Petersen; in the middle row: Josh Bing, Nazrie Hasan, Edmar Levya, Josh Delgado, Ashwin Kannan, Ian Bohacheck, Maggie Kraft, Robert Miller; and in the front row: Linda Hao, Layla Tijani, Claire Lesnjak, Grace Schaffer, Ameya Baxi, and Amalia Morner.

Photo provided by The University of Wisconsin-Madison

Follow This Team

Instagram: @wisc.wind

TikTok: @wisc.wind

Twitter: @uwmadison

The WiscWind Team has been participating in the Collegiate Wind Competition since 2016, growing in numbers and drawing from lessons learned with each new competition. This year, as the newest members of the team to represent the University of Wisconsin—Madison, we are excited to share our progress with reviewers—specifically how we've learned to ensure our wind turbine assemblies are easy to take apart and reassemble when quick problem solving is needed! 

We integrated two senior capstone projects into the competition, one focused on the mechanical structure's components and another on the aerodynamic components of the turbine. We hope that every member will walk away from the competition with hands-on, practical experience in the wind energy industry, and get the chance to connect with both the community and industry leaders to prepare them to contribute to the country’s clean energy transition.