U.S. Residential Building Stock Analysis

Explore the Affordable Home Energy Shot for insight into DOE’s goals of halving upfront home upgrade costs and reducing energy bills by 20% within a decade. Analyzing and decarbonizing the residential building stock is crucial for fostering innovative breakthroughs and cost.

In the United States, residential energy consumption comprises 21% of total energy use. Understanding the characteristics of the residential building stock and the impacts of varying strategies on energy use and costs is key to developing and implementing best practices that enable high-performing, affordable, reliable, comfortable, and healthy homes.  

This web page serves as a guide for entities and stakeholders, including state and local energy analysts, utilities, manufacturers, and program implementers. These resources allow users to explore the impacts of multiple analysis pathways by answering “what if?” Extensive modeling results are available to the public to support the analysis of specific use cases. For example, an analyst may choose to produce derivative products based on the public datasets.  

The following is a comprehensive, though non-exhaustive, list of studies and tools for residential buildings analysis.

Characterizing the Existing U.S. Housing Stock

U.S. Building Stock Characterization Study

An overview of the diversity of existing buildings and energy use intensity of different segments.

ResourcePublish DateAudienceUse Case
U.S. Building Typology Segmentation ResidentialMay 27, 2021State energy offices, analysts, utilitiesAnalyze representative data of the U.S. residential building stock to inform decision-making around pathways to decarbonization

Example analysis questions this dashboard can answer:

  • What percent of homes in my state are single-family detached with a natural gas fuel furnace?
  • Which housing types and end-uses consume the most energy in my state/county?
  • Where in my state has the highest level of penetration of electric space heating?
ResourcePublish DateAudienceUse Case
U.S. Building Typology Segmentation Residential Thermal Component LoadsApril 12, 2021 (updated Nov. 15, 2023)Building analysts, consultantsVisualize how over a dozen building components (e.g., windows, infiltration, etc.) affect residential heating and cooling loads with climate-zone specific granularity

Example analysis questions this dashboard can answer:

  • In cold and very cold climate zones, how much does outside air infiltration affect heating and cooling loads of mobile homes of all vintages?
  • On average, how much do walls affect thermal load in 4+ story multifamily buildings in my climate zone?


ResStock: End-Use Load Profiles for the U.S. Building Stock

End-use load profiles are critically important to understanding the time-sensitive value of energy efficiency, demand response, and other distributed energy resources.

Publish DateAudienceUse Case
October 2021Electric utilities, grid operators, manufacturers, government entities, and research organizationsExplore visual representations of residential loads at the end-use level at 15-minute intervals for a whole year to conduct analysis on load shifting and shaving.

Example analysis question this resource can answer:

  • What end-uses contribute the most to the electric system peak in my region?


Exploring Changes to the Existing U.S. Housing Stock

ResStock Datasets for National Decarbonization Analysis OF Residential Buildings

ResStock™ is a tool that models the energy consumption of the U.S. housing stock. It is developed and maintained by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). Its two main functions are:

  1. To create statistically representative building models that are informed by available data, and
  2. To simulate these models based on physics using EnergyPlus™ and OpenStudio™. 

The ResStock output dataset includes the energy consumption of each modeled dwelling unit and its respective dwelling unit characteristics (e.g., insulation level, foundation type, wall construction) and household characteristics (e.g., setpoint properties, occupant information, household income). A dwelling unit is a single housing residence, such as one townhome, a single apartment within an apartment building, or a single-family detached home.

These datasets were published for analysts to explore residential decarbonization scenarios and evaluate the impact of residential energy-efficiency and electrification measure packages on energy consumption, energy bills, and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
ResourceResults FormatPublish DateAudienceUse Case
2024.2Timeseries and annualMarch 2024Utilities, analysts, implementers, regional energy-efficiency organizationsUse 15 measure packages in this dataset (and 16 in 2022.1) for long-term load forecasting, electrification planning, and distribution system planning to evaluate multiple residential decarbonization scenarios to gain insights on bill savings, GHG reductions, and energy savings.
2024.1 AnnualFebruary 2024State and local planners, energy-efficiency research organizations, analystsUse 260 energy-efficiency and electrification measure packages to synthesize residential decarbonization scenarios and analyze state- or county-wide (if applicable) results.
2022.1Timeseries and annualSeptember 2022Utilities, analysts, implementers, regional energy-efficiency organizations, state and local planners, and implementersAnalyze "what-if" scenarios using 16 energy-efficiency and electrification measure packages, with results for different household income groups (percentage of area median income).
State Impacts Dashboard Annual

Example analysis questions these resources can answer:

  • What is the average GHG emissions reduction from electrification of single-family detached homes in Michigan built before 1940?
  • Will energy-efficiency measure packages decrease energy bills for households in my state with incomes below 80% of the area median?
  • How does using supplemental fossil fuel heating affect the energy savings and GHG reductions of heat pump upgrades?
  • What is the impact on energy bills from installing geothermal heat pumps in my state? (2024.2)
Supplementary Resource
Time series data can be paired with Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory’s Time-Sensitive Value Calculator to estimate hourly electricity system costs.​
ResStock Training Video - State Impacts Dashboard (youtube.com)
ResStock Training Video - Timeseries Data Viewer and Downloader (youtube.com)
ResStock Training Video - Accessing Raw Annual and Timeseries Data (youtube.com)
ResStock 2022.1 Dataset Public Webinar
ResStock 2024.2 Dataset Public Webinar

Examples of End-Use Load Profiles for Utility Planning

Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (Berkeley Lab), with funding from the U.S. DOE, published a report, Practical Guidance on Using End-Use Load Profile Data, highlighting multiple use cases for the ResStock and ComStock end-use load profiles. Examples include forecasting electricity demand growth from building electrification, integrated resource planning, transmission planning, and distribution system planning. More recently, Berkeley Lab used ResStock and ComStock data to provide technical assistance to two municipal utilities. The analysis focuses on evaluating the potential impact of varying levels of energy-efficiency adoption on mitigating peak demand growth from building and transportation electrification.     

Managing changes in peak demand from building and transportation electrification with energy efficiency: Final Report for Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD)
Publish DateAuthor 
May 2024Lawrence Berkeley Lab (LBL)
Geographic Area of Focus
SMUD (California)

In collaboration with SMUD, Berkeley Lab developed three research questions to explore emerging issues of interest to the utility: 

  1. Does the magnitude and timing of peak demand change under high levels of electrification?
  2. How can energy efficiency mitigate the impacts of building and transportation electrification on peak demand?
  3. What is the impact of a cold day on winter morning load as the level of heating electrification increases through 2045? 

To answer these questions, Berkeley Lab modeled baseline electrification, high-efficiency electrification, and cold snap scenarios. The analysis outputs include an hourly net demand forecast, provided in five-year increments, for the study period 2025-2040. LBL used ResStock and ComStock data calibrated with historical SMUD load data to develop the forecasts. Findings from the analysis include that summer and winter peak demand significantly increased over the study period due to policy-driven electric vehicle and building electrification adoption. In the cold snap scenario, the system becomes winter peaking. However, in the high-efficiency building electrification scenario, residential envelope upgrades and high-efficiency heat pumps significantly reduce increases in summer and winter peak demand from electrification and new construction. 


Managing changes in peak demand from building and transportation electrification with energy efficiency and demand flexibility: Final Report for Fort Collins Utilities
Publish DateAuthor 
May 2024Lawrence Berkeley Lab (LBL)
Geographic Area of Focus
Fort Collins Utilities (Colorado)
Berkeley Lab’s analysis for Fort Collins Utilities explored the peak demand impacts of residential building and transportation electrification on 15 distribution feeders using ResStock end-use load profiles. Forecast scenarios consider two levels of building electrification efficiency (baseline and high) and three levels of electrification technology adoption (low, medium, and high). The study finds that electrification technology adoption increases net peak demand (both summer and winter) through 2040 across the selected feeders but not substantially enough to cause violations of the thermal limits of the circuits. The study also shows that high-efficiency electrification significantly reduces both summer and winter net peak demand relative to the baseline scenario, with heat pump and envelope upgrades driving most of the reductions. 


Impacts of Heating Electrification

Heat Pumps for All? The Distributional Costs and Benefits of Residential Air-Source Heat Pumps in the United States

Electrifying heating in buildings with air-source heat pumps and related upgrades yields positive greenhouse gas reductions across all U.S. states, with varying impacts on household energy bills and consumer net present value, suggesting the potential need for incentives and innovations to bring down the upfront cost, especially for high-performance, cold-climate heat pumps.


Publish DateAudienceUse Case
August 2023Analysts, state energy offices, program implementersView emissions and cost impacts of varying heat pump efficiency levels by state to inform policy making and discern best practices.

Example analysis questions these resources can answer:

  • How does the faster or slower deployment of renewables affect the greenhouse gas impacts of heat pumps in each state?
  • How do the energy bill savings of heat pumps depend on climate, existing fuel type, heat pump efficiency, sizing method, and home insulation quality?
  • How much can insulation and air sealing improvements reduce homes’ design heating loads and thus the upfront cost of installing air-source heat pumps?


Advanced Building Construction Initiative

Accelerating Residential Building Decarbonization: ​Market Guidance to Scale Zero-Carbon-Aligned (ZCA) Buildings

Publish DateAudience
January 2024Building industry stakeholders, including integrated solution providers, industrialized fabricators of building assemblies, design professionals, building owners, real estate developers, policymakers.
Definition of Zero-Carbon Aligned
Zero-carbon aligned: No on-site fossil fuel use, low power and thermal loads, obtains all energy from a carbon-neutral grid and/or carbon-neutral local resources currently or before 2050 under a planned scenario, and reduces impact on the grid through peak and general demand reduction and grid interactivity (or, alternatively, through off-grid operation), with the aim of a decarbonized US building stock before 2050.
This report provides technical information and guidance on how to achieve zero-carbon new and existing residential buildings at scale. It offers guidance and cost targets for new construction and retrofit packages in priority residential building segments and analysis on market trends, regulations, volume, and costs for new construction. In retrofitting, specific ZCA packages are assigned to building segments, prioritizing them by geography and type for estimates of the market size.


Interactive Dashboard and Data Reviewer for the Accelerating Residential Building Decarbonization: ​Market Guidance to Scale ZCA Buildings

Resource: Data viewer and dashboard
Publish DateAudienceUse Case
February 2023Various building industry stakeholders including manufacturers, analysts, architects, and design professionalsInteract with and visualize the technical performance guidance and estimated cost targets for retrofit packages based on the underlying report’s analysis that of specific ZCA retrofit packages to existing building segments.

Example analysis questions this resource can answer:

  • Which package will apply to the greatest number of multifamily dwelling units in Colorado?
  • What is the median incremental cost of upgrading all single-family homes in the state of Minnesota to package #4?
Supplementary Resource

Modeled Results of Four Residential Energy Efficiency Measure Packages for Deriving Advanced Building Construction Research Targets.

This report assesses energy savings, utility bill impacts, and carbon emissions of four simulated upgrade packages, aiming to set performance and cost targets for advancing industrialized construction innovations to achieve ZCA residential buildings.


Retrofit Decision Tool (RDT)

Publish DateAudienceUse Case
June 2023Homeowners, energy auditors, homeowners, analysts, architects, remodelersThrough ten simple questions, the RDT assists users with identifying which of the four model packages is the likely pathway to become zero carbon aligned.

Example analysis questions this resource can answer:

  • What upgrades do I need to perform to make my home ZCA?
  • Will I need to improve the performance of the envelope or will electrifying end uses like heating and water heating be adequate?