The United States Congress has mandated through various statutes that the Department of Energy (DOE) is to implement energy conservation standards and test procedures for residential products and commercial and industrial equipment. DOE has published regulations in the Code of Federal Regulations for more than 70 categories of appliance and equipment types.
Statutory Authorities
The authority to develop, revise, and implement minimum energy conservation standards for appliances and equipment was established by Congress in Part B of Title III of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (EPCA), Public Law 94-163, as amended by the:
- National Energy Conservation Policy Act, Public Law (P.L.) 95-619;
- National Appliance Energy Conservation Act, P.L. 100-12;
- National Appliance Energy Conservation Amendments of 1988, P.L. 100-357;
- Energy Policy Act of 1992, P.L. 102-486;
- Energy Policy Act of 2005, P.L. 109-58 (EPACT 2005); and the
- Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007, P.L. 110-140 (EISA 2007).
These laws are codified in the United States Code, Title 42, Chapter 77, Subchapter III, Part A—Energy Conservation Program for Consumer Products Other Than Automobiles and Part A-1—Certain Industrial Equipment.
Regulations are issued by executive branch agencies to carry out federal laws and are available in the Code of Federal Regulations.
For regulations pertaining to appliance standards and test procedures, see CFR Title 10, Chapter II, Part 430; for commercial and industrial equipment standards and test procedures, see Title 10, Chapter II, Part 431; for certification, compliance, and enforcement standards, see Title 10, Chapter II, Part 429.