Single-Family Deep Energy Retrofits with Prefabricated Panel Block Wall Insulation

Fraunhofer USA’s insulated panel block retrofit system digitizes the wall retrofit process to affordably and rapidly install super-insulated façades. The panel blocks integrate cladding and insulation and are installed over existing cladding on wood-frame buildings.

Fraunhofer USA’s insulated panel block retrofit system digitizes the wall retrofit process to affordably and rapidly install super-insulated facades. The panel blocks integrate cladding and insulation and are installed over existing cladding on wood-frame buildings.


Deep energy retrofits can play a key role in reducing energy consumption; however, the costs and prolonged site work preclude deployment at scale. This project, led by Fraunhofer USA, focuses on the development and demonstration of an integrated process to produce low-cost, super-insulated external wall systems that can be installed on one- to four-family homes by semiskilled labor. This innovative solution comprises net-shape, prefabricated insulated panel blocks and uses augmented reality (AR) to guide the installation process. 

Project TypeProblem to SolveSolutionLocationTimelinePartners
Residential retrofitExorbitant cost and high skill required to noninvasively insulate exterior walls in deep energy retrofitsLow-cost, super-insulated external wall systemsBrookline, MASeptember 2022–November 2026
  • Fraunhofer USA (Lead)
  • Green Building Alliance
  • H C Fennell Consulting
  • MassCEC (AmplifyMass)
  • Progressive Foam Technologies
  • VEIC

Project Goals

The project will demonstrate a pathway for implementing comprehensive electrified deep energy retrofits at a cost of $30/ft2, including recladding. As part of a complete deep energy retrofit, the project aims to digitize the panel block design, fabrication, and installation processes to: (1) prefabricate a wall panel block and trim set customized for each building off-site, using computer-aided manufacturing; (2) empower semiskilled workers to enhance their productivity; and (3) ensure high-quality retrofits compatible with the business model of small contractors.


The integrated process aims to deploy deep energy retrofits of occupied one- to four-family buildings in less than 2 weeks, eliminating the cost, installation time, and disruption barriers impeding deep energy retrofits. The retrofits will significantly reduce energy consumption and improve indoor air and environmental quality.

Technology Impact

The retrofit package is expected to reduce HVAC and domestic hot water site energy consumption by 80%.

Market Impact

Validating the streamlined process for designing and implementing the deep energy retrofit solution with the panel block system will enable semiskilled workers to implement high-performance wall retrofits. By achieving an installed cost approaching that of uninsulated vinyl siding, this system would enable exterior wall insulation retrofits at scale.

The exterior wall retrofit process: 1. The insulated pre-clad panel block kit; 2. Analysis of building laser scans to extract façade dimensions; 3. The panelization algorithm calculates panel block and trim set to clad the building; 4. Computer-aided Manufacturing (CAM) fabricates custom panel block and trim set for each building based on outputs of the panelization algorithm; 5. AR-assisted installation of panel blocks and trim

The exterior wall retrofit process: 1. The insulated pre-clad panel block kit; 2. Analysis of building laser scans to extract facade dimensions; 3. The panelization algorithm calculates panel block and trim set to clad the building; 4. Computer-aided Manufacturing (CAM) fabricates custom panel block and trim set for each building based on outputs of the panelization algorithm; 5. AR-assisted installation of panel blocks and trim.

Fraunhofer USA (images 2–5), University of Minnesota (image 1)
    • Developed effective soffit and corner trim solutions.
    • Found deep energy retrofit pathways that achieve cost targets in buildings with existing ducts.
    • Finalized a technology-to-market plan.
    • Developed insulated panel block design.
    • Created a scalable anchoring solution for the AR experience.
    • Created algorithms to convert building-scan data to wall dimensions with required accuracy.
    • Designed window trim.
    • Extracting dimensions from laser scans (scan to BIM) needs to overcome several limitations of scan data.
    • A simple, nonintrusive user interface is key to delivering an effective AR experience.
    • If a furnace provides adequate pre-retrofit comfort, a deep energy retrofit with a cold climate heat pump will usually provide adequate comfort.
    • Panel block system viability requires a relentless focus on cost, customer value propositions, and aesthetics.
    • Simplifying trim installation helps ensure install quality.
    • Further refine the scan-to-BIM (building information model) algorithms to achieve required accuracy for all key dimensions.
    • Complete neural network training to accurately segment building façades.
    • Refine our understanding of customer and contractor value propositions.
    • Deepen discussion with potential commercialization partners.
    • Enter into agreements with building owners to complete deep energy retrofits.
  • General Inquiries: [email protected]

About the ABC Initiative

The Advanced Building Construction (ABC) Initiative, led by the Building Technologies Office (BTO), integrates energy efficiency and advanced technology solutions into industrialized construction processes to drastically increase the speed and scale of high-performance, low-carbon building retrofits and new construction. 


Page last updated: June 4, 2024