SBIR-2018: Simulating Buildings while the Design is still in the Architect’s Imagination

Lead Performer: GARD Analytics – Arlington Heights, IL

DOE Total Funding: $149,864

Project Term: July 2, 2018 – July 1, 2019

Funding Type: Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I Release 2

Project Objective

Bidding is a critical stage in building design. Would-be owners and project managers typically select projects based on form and envelope characteristics that greatly impact building performance. However, architects rarely use energy modeling in this stage because iterations at this stage are extremely fast and the work is still “at risk”. GARD will create algorithms, and a corresponding web service, for developing energy models that can be used during the bidding and pre-concept stage. These models will be created using only lot location and measurements and operational space requirements. GARD will develop algorithms for space planning and zoning using recent research results and will use OpenStudio to present architects with high-performance options for space plans, building form, daylighting controls, envelope characteristics, and passive strategies.

Project Impact

This project targets a high-leverage and otherwise unaddressed point in the building design process—bidding. The service would allow architects to avoid committing to bad design decisions that would hamstring project energy performance going forward.
