Lead Performer: V-Glass – Pewaukee, Wisconsin
-- University of Sydney – Sydney, Australia
-- National Renewable Energy Laboratory – Golden, Colorado
DOE Total Funding: $155,000
Project Term: June 2017 – April 2018
Funding Type: Small Business Innovation Research Phase 1 Release 2
Project Objective
V-Glass will develop a Vacuum Insulating Glass (VIG) Unit with tiny wire whiskers as pane spacers for superior insulating performance and lifetime. The vacuum glazing will provide very low thermal conductivity, while also operating within very high compression loading created by the vacuum on tiny bearing points. Developing low thermally conductive VIG standoffs is one of the major barriers to high-performance VIG development.
Project Impact
Vacuum-insulated glazing has the potential to reduce heat loss in typical windows sold by around 60-70%. This project will also improve the knowledge base to help other VIG performers.
DOE Technology Manager: Marc LaFrance
Lead Performer: Peter Petit, V-Glass, LLC