Lead Performer: Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships – Lexington, MA
July 9, 2020Lead Performer: Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships – Lexington, MA
Partner: Midwest Energy Efficiency Alliance – Chicago, IL
DOE Total Funding: $358,245
Cost Share: $91,748
Project Term: June 2020 – June 2023
Funding Type: FOA Award
Project Objective
The overarching goal of this project is to support increased adoption of advanced building construction practices, specifically investigating how prefabricated construction and virtual building inspections can lead to energy and cost savings and related environmental benefits while revitalizing the industry and optimizing affordability in regional construction markets. Additionally, the emergence of grid-interactive building technologies enables buildings and their systems to interact with a range of distributed energy resources and enhance grid performance and resilience. Partnering with key stakeholders, the project team proposes a multifaceted research and technical assistance strategy to engage regional design and construction industries; identify critical issues impeding the market adoption, and related energy code compliance issues, of aforementioned advanced building technologies; compile and disseminate best practices and resources regarding their integration into current industry practices; and support industry growth through market transformation.
Project Impact
This project has the potential to improve construction health and safety, increase construction starts and quality control, drive cost-effective building efficiency outcomes, address workforce constraints, and reduce construction costs. By addressing key regulatory and educational barriers in the industry, the rate of market adoption of these practices is likely to increase, thereby bringing energy, health, safety, environmental, and economic benefits to states, municipalities, and building occupants throughout the U.S.
DOE Technology Manager: Jeremy Williams, [email protected]
Lead Performer: Carolyn Sarno Goldthwaite, Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships