Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships: Advanced Lighting Controls

Lead Performer: Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships, Lexington, MA Partners: Burlington Electric Department, Cape Light Compact, Connecticut Light and Power, Efficiency Vermont, National Grid, NSTAR Electric and Gas, NYSERDA, PSEG – Long Island...


May 18, 2015
minute read time
Commercial Advanced Lighting Control Demonstration.png

Credit: Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships

Lead Performer: Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships, Lexington, MA
-- Burlington Electric Department
-- Cape Light Compact
-- Connecticut Light and Power
-- Efficiency Vermont
-- National Grid
-- NSTAR Electric and Gas
-- PSEG – Long Island
-- United Illuminating
-- Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance
-- Pacific Gas and Electric Company
DOE Funding: $499,795
Cost Share: $652,344
Project Term: October 1, 2014 to September 30, 2017
Funding Opportunity: DE-EE0006742


NEEP’s Commercial Advanced Lighting Control (CALC) project is designed to address market barriers and enable widespread adoption of Advanced Lighting Control technology in commercial buildings. The project consists of several components including development of educational resources, new utility and energy efficiency program offerings, and 10 demonstration projects that will be deployed across the Northeast U.S.

The demonstration projects will be used to:

  • Identify market barriers that limit owner adoption of Advanced Lighting Controls (ALCs)
  • Provide real building installation, performance, maintenance, and cost data, to improve the use of ALCs by professionals that design, specify, install, commission, and operate ALCs
  • Identify opportunities to reduce the total installed cost of ALCs
  • Identify, develop, and advance Best Practice Energy Efficiency Program Designs for ALCs
  • Improve understanding of the benefits of ALCs
  • Develop a technology to market strategy for ALCs

Once complete, the findings from the demonstration projects will be developed into case studies and incorporated into the educational resources and new energy efficiency program offerings. NEEP will then deploy the results across the U.S. and Canada through NEEP’s DesignLights Consortium.


  • It is estimated that lighting in the commercial sector is responsible for approximately 350 TWh of energy use.
  • The installation of Advanced Lighting Control systems provide savings of approximately 29% over the installed base of lighting controls. On average, this translates to annual savings of $1,889 per Advanced Lighting Control System installed.  
  • If Advanced Lighting Control systems were installed in all Commercial buildings, approximately 1,053 TBtu of energy can be saved. This would translate into annual savings of approximately $10.4 billion annually.


DOE Technology Manager: Charles Llenza and Amy Jiron
Lead Performer: Email [email protected] for more information. 


Commercial Advanced Lighting Controls

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