Integrated Facades National Lab Scoping Study and Field Validation with CBI

Lead Performer: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) – Berkeley, CA


November 3, 2020
minute read time

Lead Performer: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) – Berkeley, CA
Partners: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) – Portland, OR
DOE Total Funding: $200,000
FY20 DOE Funding: $200,000
Project Term: October 1, 2019 – September 30, 2020
Funding Type: Direct Lab Funding

Project Objective

The objective of this project is to identify gaps in research, technology and tools that prevent integration of building facades and electric lighting. This project will achieve this objective through the development of a white paper that identifies and details such gaps, including recommendations for future research, development and demonstration activities aimed at overcoming them. In support of this white paper, two other activities are planned. One entails a workshop in which input will be sought from an array of stakeholders from applicable industries (e.g., electric lighting, fenestration, controls), the design professions (e.g., architects, engineers, lighting designers) and DOE (e.g., CBI) on the most relevant issues that pose barriers for integrating building facades and electric lighting from each of their perspectives. The other comprises computer simulation activities in support of the research gap aspects of the white paper, with a particular emphasis on accurately modeling the spectral interaction between daylight and light from narrow-band electric sources; this task will proceed in coordination with the PNNL-led “Integrating Solid State Lighting, Daylighting, and Controls for Optimizing Energy Savings and Occupant Benefit” project.

Project Impact

The integration of building fenestration and electric lighting systems is highly desirable because of the potential for energy savings and increased occupant amenity that can result from properly managing the interaction between daylight and electric lighting. This means providing an adequate amount and spectrum of daylight and electric lighting to not only minimize energy use but also maximize the comfort, satisfaction and health of building occupants. Despite decades of advances in both fenestration and electric lighting systems, significant challenges persist in the integration between those two important building systems. To address this, this project will identify and document gaps in research, technology and tools that prevent integration of building facades and electric lighting, and develop recommendations for research, development and field validation that will bridge such gaps and therefore achieve better integration of façade and lighting.


DOE Technology Manager: Marc LaFrance
Lead Performer: Dr. Luís Fernandes, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory