Heat Pump Water Heater Using Solid-State Energy Converters

Lead Performer: Sheetak - Austin, TX


July 23, 2014
minute read time

Lead Performer: Sheetak - Austin, TX
DOE Funding: Phase 2 - $999,950; Phase 1 - $149,856
Project Term: May 2014 - May 2016
Funding Opportunity: FY 2014 Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II Release 3

Project Objective

Sheetak is using its innovative solid-state heat pump technology to develop a new generation of water heaters. This thin film, thermoelectric technology has the potential to significantly reduce the electrical energy consumed in water heating—without affecting the cost. Besides water heating, it can also be used in a variety of other appliances and HVAC systems.

In Phase I, which was completed recently, Sheetak developed a scaled-down version of a solid-state water heater prototype. In Phase II, Sheetak will work on developing a full scale prototype, using its thin film thermoelectric modules. Sheetak plans to commercialize its U.S.-made thermoelectric modules, seeking out both the domestic and international market. These solid-state heat pump elements not only have the potential to dramatically change the way we heat water, but can also operate quietly and reliably, all at a low cost.

Photo of Sheetak's low-cost heat pump water heater.
Sheetak will work on developing a full-scale prototype of its low-cost heat pump water heater. These solid-state heat pumping elements can be implemented in a low-cost manner and can dramatically change the way we heat water. Image: Sheetak

BTO Small Business Portfolio

Are you a small business? DOE issues funding opportunities through its Small Business Innovation Research Program. Visit the Small Business Portfolio page.

This award is part of the Department of Energy’s Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program, a government-wide effort to leverage small businesses’ technical expertise.


DOE Technology Manager: Tony Bouza
Performer: Uttam Ghoshal, Sheetak

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