Lead Performer: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) – Berkeley, CA
April 12, 2016Lead Performer: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) – Berkeley, CA
-- ASTM- West Conshohocken, PA
-- Building Performance Institute (BPI) - Washington, D.C.
-- ACCA – Arlington, VA
-- International Code Council – Washington, D.C.
-- Bonneville Power Administration – Portland, OR
-- California Energy Commission – Sacramento, CA
FY16 DOE Funding: $1,510,000
Project Term: FY 2016 - FY 2018
Funding Type: Direct Lab Funding
LBNL, along with project partners, are working to address several indoor air quality challenges for high-performance homes through experimental, analytical, and modeling efforts. Industry will participate in several of the project tasks, particularly in the areas of technology development and codes and standards development. Industry will also contribute to project tasks associated with smart ventilation to minimize energy impacts and kitchen ventilation to improve health. This project addresses three topic areas identified in the Building America Technology-to-Market Roadmap on optimal ventilation and indoor air quality solutions, including 1) Targeted pollutant solutions, 2) Smart ventilation, and 3) Indoor air quality valuation.
The long-term goal of this project is to significantly reduce the indoor air quality risks that are a barrier to industry adoption of high-performance homes. Project results will be incorporated into industry practice through a combination of: codes and standards development — delivering reliable home performance information — and guidance on how to avoid problems that lead to reduced risks for the residential building industry.
DOE Technology Manager: Eric Werling
Lead Performer: Iain Walker