Lead Performer: City University of New York – New York, NY
Partner: City of New York – New York, NY
DOE Total Funding: $499,885
Cost Share: $125,000
Project Term: June 2020 – June 2023
Funding Type: FOA Award
Project Objective
The objective of this project is to further understanding of how actual large commercial and institutional building energy performance can be measured and predicted using empirical and building automation data. This project will examine how these measurements compare to prescriptive or simulation-based energy targets, and characterize energy technologies for buildings over 25,000 square feet in the city of New York (NYC) using publicly available data sets.
To accomplish these goals, the project team will conduct research in buildings over 25,000 square feet and develop a stretch standard of care (SSOC) for building automation systems to enable building owners to proactively identify the major building systems and occupant behaviors that are driving their energy use. By acquiring data from NYC permits and a variety of stakeholders in the new and existing building markets, the project team will evaluate the implementation of advanced technologies.
Project Impact
This project has the potential to transform traditionally inspection-based processes into a data-driven process that closes the loop between the design and construction teams, owners, and tenants with respect to predicted versus actual performance. By developing a building automation system SSOC for owners, designers, and building operators, this project will support the measurement and predictive analysis of energy consumption and environmental impacts necessary to engage tenants and achieve NYC energy goals.
DOE Technology Manager: Jeremy Williams, [email protected]
Lead Performer: Duncan Prahl, City University of New York