Cost-Compression Solution for Continuous Insulation Retrofit via Spray-on Monolithic Insulated Cladding (MonoInsu)

Lead Performer: University of Tennessee – Knoxville, TN


February 8, 2024
minute read time

Lead Performer: University of Tennessee – Knoxville, TN
-- University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture - Knoxville, TN
-- Oak Ridge National Laboratory – Oak Ridge, TN
-- Polyisocyanurate Insulation Manufacturers Association
-- Spray Polyurethane Foam Alliance
-- Polycoat Products Inc.
-- Spray Foam Coalition
DOE Total Funding: $1,500,000
Cost Share: $480,000
Project Term: October 1, 2023 – September 30, 2026
Funding Type: Buildings Energy Efficiency Frontiers & Innovation Technologies (BENEFIT) – 2022/23

Project Objective

The University of Tennessee Knoxville (UTK), in collaboration with its partners, will develop and demonstrate a novel cost compression solution for continuous building exterior insulation through a monolithic insulated wall retrofit system (MonoInsu). The goal of this project is to decrease envelope retrofit times and minimize installed costs of a continuous exterior insulation and cladding, while achieving high added R-value to significantly improve the performance of existing poorly insulated building envelopes. Specifically, a novel low-cost and sustainable spray insulation will be added to strategically placed insulating foam boards, followed by a spray-on and "cure-in-place" polymeric cladding layer, to create a monolithic retrofit wall system that integrates exterior cladding and insulation. The system minimizes or eliminates the need of complex attachments that require expensive detail design and assembly labor and can be deployed quickly to minimize disturbance to occupancy while being resistant to weathering, water intrusion, and natural hazards. The process requires minimal changes to the current spray equipment and practice. The proposed project uses a multifaceted approach to significantly lower the costs, carbon footprint, and adoption barriers for building envelope retrofit technologies.

Project Impact 

This building envelope retrofit system will provide an innovative technology to enhance the energy efficiency of buildings at very low cost for broader adoptions. The continuous insulation will exceed R15 (at 2.5-inch thickness) and reduce air leakage to less than 0.25 cubic feet per minute (CFM) / shell square foot (SSF), with reduced retrofit time and a lower overall installation cost (< $5 SSF). This project will also streamline and de-risk the materials, system, and technology adoption through a community-informed co-design approach. 


DOE Technology Manager: Sven Mumme
Lead Performer: Prof. Hongyu Zhou, University of Tennessee – Knoxville