Clean Air Management System (CAMS)

Lead Performer: Burch Energy Services, LLC – Lafayette, OR; Partner: University of Oregon – Eugene, OR


September 29, 2021
minute read time

Lead Performer: Burch Energy Services, LLC – Lafayette, OR
Partner: University of Oregon – Eugene, OR
DOE Total Funding: $199,983
Project Term: July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022
Funding Type: Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase 1

Project Objective

Burch Energy Services will develop a Clean Air Management System that integrates indoor air quality sensors, region-specific public health data, and air quality alerts to improve occupant health and well-being while reducing energy use. The project will model airflow patterns for typical ventilation systems to determine proper placement of indoor air quality sensors, integrate environmental and public health data streams, and establish measures for the impact of air quality on the health of building occupants and HVAC control strategies to improve occupant health.

Project Impact

The Clean Air Management System will collect robust data on indoor air quality markers, which can enable better overall building control strategies to optimize the health of the indoor environment. A successful project implementation may mitigate the detrimental health impacts of acute events such as wildfires, which produce hazardous spikes in air pollution, and can contribute to improved health and productivity of occupants by recommending ventilation control strategies for CO2 concentrations.


DOE Technology Manager: Cedar Blazek
Lead Performer: Kevin Van Den Wymelenberg, University of Oregon