Building Technologies Innovations Program (DE-FOA-0000823)

Closed Total DOE Funding: $6.4 million BTO is seeking innovative approaches for improving the energy performance of buildings.


March 5, 2013
minute read time
This funding opportunity is closed.

BTO is seeking innovative approaches for improving the energy performance of buildings.  BTO plans to stimulate new innovations in the Emerging Technologies portfolio by supporting relatively small projects that evaluate new ideas aligned with our program goals. The funding for each project will be between $250K - $750K, with the average award ~ $500K.  These projects will be of relatively short duration (≤ 2 years), with clear milestones for measuring success.  All building energy topics are eligible for submission, with the exception of solid-state lighting.  Note that this FOA is only for the ET program that supports research and development; proposed deployment efforts will not be considered. Technology Innovations supported under this FOA may have the opportunity to seek additional, larger amounts of funding through future BTO FOAs.

How to Apply

View the full Funding Opportunity Announcement, and to submit your application, at the EERE eXCHANGE.

Submission deadline: May 28, 2013

  • Buildings Energy Efficiency
  • Building Energy Codes
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Clean Energy
  • Building Energy Modeling