Dr. Meltem Urgun-Demirtas

Meltem Urgun-Demirtas, Laboratory Relationship Manager, Argonne National Laboratory

Meltem Urgun-Demirtas is a group leader of process development research in Argonne National Laboratory’s Energy Systems division, where she brings over 15 years of diverse experience in waste and water treatment, biofuels production, and materials synthesis for energy and environmental applications. She has extensive experience in design and operation of chemical and bioprocesses from bench to field scale, techno-economic assessment, modeling and optimization of processes. She is a fellow of the Northwestern University—Argonne Institute of Science and Engineering. Dr. Urgun-Demirtas has published over 30 journal papers and 50 conference papers and holds four patents/patent applications. Prior to working at Argonne, she was a research engineer at BP North America. She received a Bachelor of Science in chemical engineering and a Ph.D. in environmental engineering.


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