The Co-Optimization of Fuels & Engines (Co-Optima) initiative was designed to accelerate the introduction of efficient, clean, affordable, and scalable high-performance vehicle fuels and engines. The Co-Optima Capstone Webinar Series highlighted key takeaways from the breakthrough initiative.

Webinar sessions shared topline findings, potential near- and long-term impacts, research methodology, challenges, and possible next steps in the R&D process. Presenters provided high-level information in terms relevant to decision makers and technical peers in the greater context of a sustainable transportation future.




How can co-optimized fuels and spark-ignition (SI) engines enhance efficiency while reducing carbon emissions of light-duty (LD) passenger vehicles?

SI engines using gasoline are projected to remain a significant percentage of the LD vehicle fleet for decades. The Co-Optima initiative has demonstrated that it is possible to improve the efficiency and reduce the environmental impact of SI engines with higher amounts of biofuel blend components chosen to improve key fuel properties. This webinar describes Co-Optima’s approach to the development of selection criteria and identification of these blendstocks, as well as analysis of their potential impacts on the sustainability of LD SI fuels and engines.

Daniel Gaspar, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
Jim Szybist, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)


How can fuels and combustion reduce pollutants from future diesel engines?

Mixing-controlled compression-ignition engines—such as diesel engines—have many desirable attributes, including high fuel-conversion efficiencies. Nevertheless, these engines produce emissions of soot and nitrogen oxides (NOx) that must be mitigated by emissions control technology. This webinar discusses identification of bioblendstocks with low-net-carbon emissions and desirable fuel properties and approaches for curtailing soot, NOx, and net-carbon emissions by combining these sustainable fuels with a new combustion technology called ducted fuel injection.


Bob McCormick, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)

Charles Mueller, Sandia National Laboratories (SNL)


What environmental and economic benefits might be realized by co-optimizing fuels and SI engines for LD passenger vehicles?

Advances in engine design coupled with performance-enhancing biofuel blends could lower LD vehicle ownership costs while offering environmental benefits. This webinar discusses Co-Optima findings that characterize the cost and environmental effects of performance-enhancing bioblendstocks, their potential benefits for fuel producers, their potential for production at commercial scale, and associated societal benefits.


Avantika Singh, NREL


What environmental and economic benefits might be realized by co-optimizing fuels and engines for medium-duty (MD) and heavy-duty (HD) commercial vehicles?

Co-optimizing fuels and engines has the potential to enhance the economics and reduce the environmental impact of the MD and HD transportation sectors. This session discusses Co-Optima’s characterization of the cost and environmental effects of performance-enhancing bioblendstocks, their potential benefits for fuel producers, integrated modeling exploring their potential for production at commercial scale, and associated societal benefits.


Troy Hawkins, Argonne National Laboratory

  No webinar in July

What unconventional engine-fuel combinations show the greatest promise for efficiency improvements beyond current LD/MD/HD technologies?

Multiple unconventional combustion concepts offer substantial improvements in engine thermal efficiency. This webinar examines how changes to the composition and properties of future fuels could enable approaches such as multimode operation of LD SI gasoline engines and advanced compression ignition operation of MD and HD engines.


Magnus Sjŏberg, SNL


Co-Optimization of Fuels & Engines past, present, and future: What did we learn and where do we go next?

New Co-Optima knowledge and tools point the way to cleaner, more efficient engines. This webinar looks at the initiative’s accomplishments in the broader context of what might come next for internal combustion engine research in a rapidly changing world, factoring in increased vehicle electrification and a pressing need to reduce the carbon intensity of transportation.


Robert Wagner, ORNL

Daniel Gaspar, PNNL


How Can New Simulation and Modeling Tools Accelerate Fuel-Engine Co-Optimization?

Fuel blend performance can be evaluated much faster using simulations rather than actual engines. The Co-Optima team has developed robust and well-validated tools to accurately capture fuel-engine interactions, improve the efficacy of predictions, and reduce computation time and costs. These new tools include high-fidelity computational fluid dynamic simulations and lower-order models that leverage acceleration techniques based on high-performance computing and machine learning.


Sibendu Som, Argonne National Laboratory

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Program Contacts

For more information on the Co-Optima initiative and related partnership opportunities, contact the project leadership team.

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