Biomass Indirect Liquefaction Workshop

To support research and development (R&D) planning efforts within the Thermochemical Conversion Program, the Bioenergy Technologies Office hosted the Biomass Indirect Liquefaction (IDL) Workshop. This workshop discussed and detailed the R&D needs for biomass IDL. Discussions focused on pathways that convert biomass-based syngas (or any carbon monoxide, hydrogen gaseous stream) to liquid intermediates (alcohols or acids) and further synthesize those intermediates to liquid hydrocarbons that are compatible as either a refinery feed or neat fuel. Additionally, this event examined efforts and needs in converting syngas directly to hydrocarbon liquids.

Workshop Goals:

  • To discuss, learn, and document the technical and economic barriers to cost-competitive IDL.
  • To clearly define the R&D needed to mitigate those barriers.
  • To develop a description of the needed R&D.
  • To identify a timeline of completing the research, development, and deployment (RD&D).

Workshop Presentations:

IDL industry experts presented on their successes in overcoming challenges; these presentations include the following:

Workshop Report:

The following report summarizes highlighted outcomes from workshop participants.