Now Available: U.S. Department of Energy Clean Fuels & Products Shot™ Summit Recording and Presentations

The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Clean Fuels & Products Shot™ Summit presentations, recordings, and transcripts are now available. Stakeholders across government, industry, academia, and non-profit organizations attended the two-day virtual event to learn about the Shot’s objectives, progress, priorities, and future plans.

Bioenergy Technologies Office

May 6, 2024
minute read time
Clean Fuels & Products Shot TM: Alternative Sources for Carbon-based Products

View the Summit Day 1 and Day 2 presentation slides and video recordings today!

The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Clean Fuels & Products Shot™ Summit presentations, recordings, and transcripts are now available.  Stakeholders across government, industry, academia, and non-profit organizations attended the two-day virtual event to learn about the Shot’s objectives, progress, priorities, and future plans. 

Launched on May 24, 2023, the Clean Fuels & Products Shot is the seventh of DOE’s Energy Earthshots™ to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 85% (compared to fossil fuel sources) by 2035. Additionally, the Clean Fuels & Products Shot aims to meet 100% of the 2050 projected demand for aviation fuel; 50% of maritime, rail, and off-road fuel; and 50% of carbon-based chemicals by using sustainable carbon resources. The Shot supports the Sustainable Aviation Fuel Grand Challenge and the Biden-Harris administration goal of net-zero emissions by 2050. This is a DOE intra-agency collaborative partnership that includes:

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  • Clean Fuels & Products Shot
  • Bioenergy
  • Bioproduct Production
  • Sustainable Transportation
  • Decarbonization