Download the latest report from the Co-Optimization of Fuels & Engines Initiative

Bioenergy Technologies Office

June 14, 2022
minute read time
Co-Optima report thumbnail - The Road Ahead Toward a Net-Zero-Carbon Transportation future - Findings and impacts FY 15-FY21

The Co-Optima Findings & Impact Report spotlights innovations in engine and fuel research over the collaborative national 6-year initiative.

Breakthroughs from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Co-Optimization of Fuels & Engines (Co-Optima) initiative could make it possible to more rapidly cut emissions, reduce dependence on international petroleum, and contribute to ambitious national goals to slow global warming on the land, in the air, and across the water. Findings from the 6-year collaborative undertaking are now available in a recently released report.

Top researchers from national labs across the country set out to give American industry and policymakers the scientific knowledge, data, and tools needed to decide which new fuel-engine combinations for light-, medium-, and heavy-duty vehicles could most realistically benefit drivers, businesses, and the environment. Efficient pollution-reducing fuels and engine technologies identified by Co-Optima researchers for use in on-road vehicles may also help cut pollution from marine, rail, off-road, and airplane engines.

The DOE Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy’s Bioenergy Technologies Office and Vehicle Technologies Office jointly sponsor Co-Optima. Partners included 9 national laboratories, along with more than 40 industry and university partners.

Download the Co-Optima Findings and Impact report
Read a summary of the report
Learn more about the Co-Optima initiative.