BETO Publishes Engineered Carbon Reduction Listening Day Summary, Announces Rewiring Initiative
February 1, 2018The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Bioenergy Technologies Office’s (BETO’s) Rewiring the Carbon Economy: Engineered Carbon Reduction Listening Day Summary Report is now online! Read this new workshop summary for an overview of advanced strategies to use carbon dioxide (CO2) captured from the atmosphere or waste streams as a feedstock to produce organic chemicals, fuels, materials, and products.
The publication summarizes input provided by industry, academic, and national laboratory stakeholders during BETO’s Engineered Carbon Reduction Listening Day, which took place in La Jolla, California, on July 8, 2017. Topics covered include challenges and opportunities related to carbon management and analysis, as well as non-photosynthetic and non-biological approaches to carbon reduction and upgrading of chemical intermediates.
BETO partnered with the University of California, La Jolla and the International Solar Fuels Conference to host a full-day event, which included expert presentations and invite-only breakout sessions. The purpose of the event was to identify technologies and strategies to enable CO2 reduction and utilization without photosynthesis.
BETO is already putting the results of the listening day into action. The Office is excited to announce the launch of a new BETO initiative—the Rewiring Initiative—which seeks to identify how low-cost clean power can enable a circular new carbon economy. The Rewiring Initiative will complement similar CO2 utilization efforts underway in the DOE Office of Fossil Energy’s Office of Clean Coal and Carbon Management, as well as similar ideas outside DOE aimed at deploying carbon-removal technologies.
As a result of the stakeholder input provided, BETO also developed a Small Business Innovation Research/Small Business Technology Transfer solicitation, “Engineered Systems for Innovative Wet and Gaseous Waste Valorization: Subtopic B: Non-Photosynthetic Carbon Dioxide Reduction and Biological Intermediate Upgrading.” BETO is investing in carbon reduction and valorization technologies and strategies to broaden its potential feedstock portfolio, bypass land-use requirements for renewable carbon, explore sustainable carbon utilization strategies, and develop new platforms to produce fuels, chemicals, materials, and other bioproducts.
Visit the workshop page to learn about the event and read the new workshop summary!