2021 Project Peer Review—Organic Waste

The Bioenergy Technologies Office (BETO) hosted its 2021 Project Peer Review virtually on March 8‒12, 2021; March 15‒16, 2021; and March 22‒26, 2021. The presentations from the Organic Wastes session are available to view below. For more information, including a complete schedule, view the 2021 Project Peer Review Agenda.

Presentation Title Speaker Organization
Organic Waste Conversion - Session Overview Beau Hoffman Bioenergy Technologies Office
Waste-to-Energy: Feedstock Evaluation and Biofuels Production Potential - NREL Anelia Milbrandt National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Waste-to-Energy: Feedstock Evaluation and Biofuels Production Potential - PNNL Tim Seiple Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Bench Scale HTL of Wet Wastes Michael Thorson Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Analysis and Sustainability Interface - PNNL Lesley Snowden-Swan Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
A Catalytic Process to Convert Municipal Solid Waste Components to Energy Mike Timko Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Separations in Support of Arresting Anaerobic Digestion Eric Karp National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Integrated Biorefinery for Chemicals and Fuels Production from Waste Biomass Deepak Dugar Visolis
Novel and Viable Technologies for Converting Wet Organic Waste Streams to Higher Value Products Yanna Liang The Research Foundation of SUNY, University of Albany
Electro-Enhanced Conversion of Wet Waste to Products Beyond Methane Kenneth Reardon Colorado State University
Production of Methane From Organic Waste Streams with Novel Biofilm-Enhanced Anaerobic Membrane Bioreactors Meltem Urgun-Demirtas Argonne National Laboratory
Maximizing Bio-Renewable Energy from Wet Wastes (M-BREWW) Lance Schideman University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Develop an Efficient and Cost-Effective Novel Anaerobic Digestion System Producing High Purity of Methane from Diverse Waste Biomass Shulin Chen Washington State University
Advanced Pretreatment/Anaerobic Digestion Birgitte Ahring Washington State University
Biomethanation to Upgrade Biogas to Pipeline Grade Methane Kevin Harrison National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Modular Microbial Electromethanogenesis Flow Reactor for Biogas Upgrading Sarah Baker Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Biogas to Liquid Fuels and Chemicals Using a Methanotrophic Microorganism Michael Guarnieri National Renewable Energy Laboratory