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Become a Member
Complete a Membership Form and email it to the Better Buildings Residential Network. Visit the Member Benefits section for more information. If you have questions, please email the Residential Network.
Member Benefits
- Tools, templates, resources, and proven solutions shared by members
- Opportunities to be featured in media, case studies, and lessons learned materials
- Opportunities to speak on weekly Peer Exchange Calls that address Residential Network member needs and challenges
- Voluntary member initiatives that produce tool kits that address common challenges and opportunities (e.g., incentives)
- Input on what topics the Residential Network addresses -- on Peer Exchange Calls, in Voluntary member initiative tool kits, case studies, fact sheets, newsletters, and other materials
- Updates on the latest news and residential energy efficiency trends
- Template newsletter article announcing membership to help share the news with stakeholders
- Sample tweet announcing membership in the Residential Network
- Permission to list your organization as a “U.S. Department of Energy Better Buildings Residential Network Member” alongside other partnerships or affiliations.
Residential Network members must meet the following criteria:
- Members must be supportive of residential energy efficiency and the mission of the Residential Network.
- Members are expected to be legally incorporated organizations or institutions, rather than individuals, actively engaged in the field of existing residential building energy efficiency with an ability to impact the market.
- Members should have the ability and capacity to carry out the requirements for membership (i.e., reporting the annual number of upgrades in their sphere of influence, and associated benefits), and actively engage as a member.
- Members must actively engage in significant work supporting, studying, researching, reporting, and/or practicing residential building energy efficiency, and demonstrate the ability to abide by the Residential Network Commitments in order to become members.
- Prospective members must complete a membership form.
- Organizations may only sign up for themselves, not on behalf of other organizations.
- If an institution is sanctioned by a governmental agency or judicial body for violating laws or regulations affecting their professional activities, their membership may be terminated.
- If an organization fails to carry out the requirements for membership (i.e., reporting the annual number of upgrades in their sphere of influence, and associated benefits), does not actively engage as a member, or violates the Residential Network agreement as stated in the membership form, their membership may be terminated.
- Membership is subject to review and revocation by DOE or the member organization at any time.
Residential Network Member Commitment
Sales of services and commercial messages are not appropriate during any Residential Network meeting, call, or on any forum, discussion list, or online area. The signatory acknowledges that DOE and Residential Network names or likeness may not be used in any way that implies endorsement of a private company, service, or product. The Better Buildings Residential Network name may be used to reference an entity’s membership (e.g., within a newsletter, on a website). For example, you can note that your organization is a “U.S. Department of Energy Better Buildings Residential Network Member” alongside other partnerships or affiliations.
As an authorized representative of this organization, I agree that the organization will:
- Assign an organizational representative as the primary point of contact for the Better Buildings Residential Network
- Invite all relevant members of the organization to participate in Residential Network activities, such as Peer Exchange Calls
- Share the organization’s successes with DOE
- Provide DOE with an annual update of the organization’s residential energy upgrades and information about the benefits associated with those upgrades*
- Abide by the commitments outlined above.
*Home Performance with ENERGY STAR® Sponsors and Georgetown University Energy Prize participants meet this obligation through those initiatives.