Public Displays of Efficiency


Imagine if an electronic billboard displayed how much energy you used this morning, or you stepped outside to see your energy savings painted on the street for passersby to see. For some Better Buildings neighborhoods, these public displays are popping up—and they're helping call attention to saving energy. To help residents understand the impact of their energy use, RePower Bainbridge developed innovative Island Energy Dashboards that display the island's collective real-time energy use on commuter ferries to and from Seattle, at kiosks around Bainbridge Island, in local businesses, and online. RePower Bainbridge also created Electric Avenue, a street mural that builds awareness by displaying the collective energy savings of two island neighborhoods.

In Connecticut, the Neighbor to Neighbor Energy Challenge encourages homeowners in 14 towns to reduce their energy use by 20%. As residents join in and take action to help meet this goal, they earn points that can be redeemed for community energy projects. The Neighbor to Neighbor Energy Challenge website tracks these points via an online leader board, bolstering the healthy competition among participating communities. Learn about these and other innovative marketing strategies that Better Buildings partners and other residential energy efficiency programs are using to encourage energy upgrades in their neighborhoods.