Michigan Saves’ New Marketing PSAs Use Boxing to Solve “Energy Drama”

Better Buildings Neighborhood Program partner Michigan Saves is using humor to help residents in the Great Lakes State become more energy efficient. The program’s Avoid Energy Drama public service announcement (PSA) features a series of boxing parody videos about a couple arguing over conflicting methods to reduce their home energy use. The bouts are even mediated by a tuxedoed announcer with a suspended microphone and a ringside bell.

“We wanted it to be something that everyone could relate to but also showed our silliness around energy efficiency,” Michigan Saves Marketing and Communications Director Selma Tucker said.

Michigan Saves partnered with a number of statewide energy utilities and other organizations to bring the PSA to life. Noting that consumers sometimes blame utilities for high energy bills, Tucker said the campaign was devised with Michigan Saves leading the effort, because the nonprofit program can take more risks.

“Everyone thinks their energy bills are too high, but the fault is usually misplaced,” Tucker said.

The campaign has already attracted the media attention of The Wall Street Journal, industry publications and blogs, and Michigan news outlets. Michigan Saves is also planning to take the PSA on the road, where the video series’ mediator will appear at local sporting events, schools, and other community spaces to spread the message in person. Learn more about Michigan Saves’ marketing efforts.