
Top 5 Reasons to Apply for an SBIR Grant

A list of key ways an EERE SBIR/STTR Phase I grant can help propel your small business.

Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy

December 3, 2018
minute read time
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DOE’s Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) clean tech topics are out, and the deadline for mandatory Letters of Intent is approaching. If you’ve never applied for a grant before and are interested in learning more, check out our list of key ways an EERE SBIR/STTR Phase I grant can help propel your small business.

Reason 1 to apply for an SBIR grant: undiluted capital.

Undiluted capital. Unlike many government grants, no cost-share is required for the initial SBIR three-year project funding. Initial award amounts have risen to $1.3–$1.8 million, with a potential for $2.2 million more (up to $4 million total) over an additional four years.

Reason 2 to apply to an SBIR grant: validation, guidance, and follow-on funding

Validation, guidance, and follow-on funding. Receiving an SBIR/STTR grant means a company has been recognized by U.S. Department of Energy subject-matter experts and the panels of expert reviewers they employ.  Awardees can also benefit from guidance and insights of their program manager. Finally, according to a recent study,1 getting an EERE SBIR/STTR grant doubles the chances of getting follow-on private sector funding.

Reason 3 to apply to an SBIR grant: flexibility and security.

Flexibility and security. DOE SBIR/STTR offers flexible grant funding and the strongest intellectual property rights for small businesses in the federal government.

Reason 4 to apply to an SBIR grant: commercialization support.

Commercialization support. On top of the Phase II award amount of up to $1.6 million, DOE SBIR/STTR provides an option of commercialization assistance that can total up to $56,500 over three years—a five-fold increase from previous years.

Reason 5 to apply to an SBIR grant: cleantech innovation connections.

Cleantech innovation connections. SBIR/STTR award recipients become members of a network of past and present awardees who are working toward advancing energy efficiency, renewable power, and sustainable transportation technologies. Awardees also benefit from their program managers’ network of labs, universities, and other businesses. EERE topics are at the cutting edge of innovation in clean energy technology, and winners become a part of this exciting portfolio.

Want to learn more? Check out our SBIR grantee profiles to see how these grants have helped others launch their ideas or companies.


[1] Howell, Sabrina. “Financing Innovation: Evidence from R&D Grants.” 2017. 

  • Clean Energy
  • Renewable Energy
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Entrepreneurship and Advanced Manufacturing Workforce
  • Commercial Implementation