
Federal Energy Management: Helping Agencies Achieve Savings

The Federal Energy Management Program guides and advises agencies on how to use funding more effectively in meeting federal and agency-specific ene...

Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy

October 30, 2013
minute read time
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The Energy Department's Federal Energy Management Program guides and advises agencies on how to use funding more effectively in meeting federal and agency-specific energy goals. | Department of Energy photo

The federal government is currently our nation’s largest energy consumer using 1.6 quadrillion British thermal units (Btu) annually. For comparison, this level of energy use is approximately the same as the city of Hong Kong or all of New Zealand. We at the Energy Department’s Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) see a tremendous opportunity and clear responsibility for agencies to lead by example in reducing the amount of energy the government uses.

FEMP is a key part of this responsibility, guiding and advising agencies on how to use funding more effectively in meeting federal and agency-specific energy goals. We work with agency leaders and stakeholders to improve energy practices within organizations. FEMP project and policy experts help agencies improve energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Some essential FEMP activities that are helping the federal government save energy include:

  • Energy performance contracting: We provide information and assistance on energy savings performance contracts (ESPCs) and utility energy service contracts (UESCs). These performance contracting mechanisms allow federal agencies to save energy without spending money upfront. FEMP’s ESPC ENABLE program provides a standardized and streamlined process for small, federal facilities to install targeted, energy conservation measures (ECMs) in six months or less.
  • Institutional change: The FEMP Institutional Change Team provides guidance and reference materials to help agencies and the numerous organizations within agencies shift their behavior to help save energy and resources now and for the long-term.
  • Training, outreach and awards:  Each year we train and honor thousands of federal employees who are implementing energy-saving strategies within their agencies.
  • Agency tracking: We serve as the record keeper for federal agency performance related to energy goals. We also provide technical assistance and collaborate with other agencies to create energy guidance documents.

For more on our work, visit the FEMP website to learn about the exciting services, tools and expertise FEMP offers to help federal agencies achieve their energy management goals.


- The federal government is the nation’s largest energy consumer

- The Federal Energy Management Program guides and advises agencies on how to use funding more effectively in meeting federal and agency-specific energy goals

- Visit the Federal Energy Management Program website for more information 

  • Energy Efficiency
  • Federal Energy Management Laws & Requirements
  • Energy Savings Performance Contracts
  • Buildings and Industry
  • Federal Facility Optimization and Management