The 2024 Transportation Annual Technology Baseline

Register for the 2024 Transportation ATB Update webinar on Dec. 3, 2024, at 11 a.m. ET to learn what's new, see technology-specific web demos, and get your questions answered.

The Scoop

The third edition of the Transportation Annual Technology Baseline (ATB) includes updated cost and performance data for vehicle and fuel technologies to help stakeholders plan for a future of sustainable transportation. Like the Electricity ATB, the Transportation ATB is a trusted, freely available product that integrates data from various sources into an accessible format that provides a consistent set of key assumptions for industry analysis.

Specifically, the Transportation ATB includes data with projections out to 2050 for:

  • Current and future vehicle technologies within a variety of vehicle classes and powertrains, including fuel economy, modeled vehicle price, levelized cost of driving, and emissions.
  • Current and future fuel technologies, including cost, production characteristics, and emissions estimates for selected fuel pathways in four categories: on-road fuels, blendstocks, marine fuels, and aviation fuels.

The 2024 Transportation ATB was produced by National Renewable Energy Laboratory in partnership with Argonne National Laboratory, with funding from the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy.

Why It's Important

The Transportation ATB is a valuable resource for federal agencies, state energy offices, city planners, regulators, researchers, and the private sector as stakeholders seek to understand the rapidly evolving transportation sector and identify solutions. The availability of this consistent, credible, and transparent data greatly reduces the lead time of conducting scenario analyses, allowing stakeholders to arrive at insights faster. 

The Transportation ATB anchors key analyses and modeling tools from DOE and its national laboratories, including the forthcoming Transportation Standard Scenarios and the Transportation Energy & Mobility Pathway Options (TEMPO™) model.

What's New

Since its launch in 2020, the Transportation ATB has grown to include expanded vehicle categories and classes, fuel pathways, and even aviation technologies. 

The 2024 Transportation ATB features several key updates and new features, including:

  • Additional biomass-to-biofuels pathways
  • Updated recharging and hydrogen refueling costs
  • A new interactive chart that allows users to compare how the assumptions in this update compare with the previous assumptions
  • New "conservative trajectory" (based on improved data in the Annual Energy Outlook) to replace the old "constant trajectory" for most vehicle scenarios
  • New literature comparison pages that show historical and projected vehicle cost and fuel economy data for light-duty and medium- and heavy-duty vehicles.

This edition also incorporates data from the latest versions of industry-leading analysis products, including the U.S. Energy Information Administration’s latest Annual Energy Outlook and Monthly Energy Review, as well as Argonne National Laboratory's Autonomie powertrain simulation tool and Greenhouse gases, Regulated Emissions, and Energy use in Technologies (GREET®) Model.

Visit the ATB website to access the suite of ATB products, including spreadsheets, open data, interactive charts, presentations, and information on user guidance, methodologies, and more.